English I April 4
Tone Word for Today: Derisive Definition: Mocking, jeering Sentence using word: Derisive Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Disrespectful Taunting
Grammar Pattern: Use the correct form of: to=preposition, towards something too=also two = a number Example of Grammar Pattern Let’s go to fifth period! He wanted to go to the party, too.
Agenda Distribute the week 30 and 31 Warm Up sheets and bathroom pass sheets. As students complete the warm up, they are to write their names on the bathroom passes and have me initial the page. Distribute any quizzes not given out last Thursday (first period will all need one). Tell students it is due tomorrow and we will be going over the fallacies and appeals. Give out Everybody Has A Dream Packet to students. Give them 10 – 15 mins to complete Activity 1 (reviewing the Gettysburg Address). Discuss answers and talk about Lincoln’s dream Distribute the Louisiana Literacy Test and give students 10 minutes to complete it. Do not help them. (roleplaying). Discuss their challenges and difficulties. Lead them to the idea of poll taxes and continuing inequalities during the 20th century. Does this fit Lincoln’s Dream? Continue completing activities.
English I April 5
Tone Word for Today: Diabolic Definition: Having the qualities of a devil; devilish; fiendish; outrageously wicked Sentence using word: Diabolic Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Devilish Unpleasant Shocking
Grammar Pattern: Accept=to receive Except=to take or leave out Example of Grammar Pattern He accepts defeat well. Take all of the books except the red one.
English I April 6
Tone Word for Today: Ebullient Definition: Overflowing with enthusiasm or excitement; high-spirited Sentence using word: Ebullient Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Exuberant Vivacious Effervescent
Grammar Pattern: Affect=to influence (verb) Effect=the result or outcome (Pattern) Example of Grammar Pattern Lack of sleep affects the quality of your work. The effect of the lighting made the room look ominous.
English I April 7
Tone Word for Today: Effusive Definition: Extravagantly demonstrative of emotion; gushing Sentence using word: Effusive Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Enthusiastic Unrestrained Overflowing
Example of Grammar Pattern Principal=a person in authority; most important Principle=a general or fundamental truth Example of Grammar Pattern The principal does the announcements each morning. The study was based on the principle of gravity.
English I April 8
Tone Word for Today: Euphoric Definition: A feeling of happiness, confidence, or well-being Sentence using word: Euphoric Part of Speech: Adjective Synonyms: Jubilation Elation Exhilaration
Grammar Pattern: Lie=to lay down (people or animals) Lay=to lay an object down Example of Grammar Pattern (DO NOT COPY—INFO. ONLY) I am going to lie down. Lay down that shotgun!