Divisions in the church! A Beautiful Mess Divisions in the church! 1 Corinthians 1:10-17
1 Cor. 1:10-17 A Beautiful Mess An Alert An Appeal An Awareness
Verses 11 & 12 Quarrels and Divisions Galatians 5:20 An Alert A Beautiful Mess Verses 11 & 12 Quarrels and Divisions Galatians 5:20
Split into cliques Some followed Paul Some followed Apollos A Beautiful Mess Some followed Paul Some followed Apollos Some followed Cephas = Peter (Aramaic) Some followed Christ
Tradition of the day Theoi Anthropoi Men possessing divine qualities A Beautiful Mess Theoi Anthropoi Men possessing divine qualities Men of god Paul’s goal – to challenge the world IN the church.
An Appeal Verse 10 Beseech A Beautiful Mess Verse 10 Beseech Family gathering together to change their thinking Higher authority – The name of the Lord Jesus Christ = His full title!
An Appeal 2 aspects Speak the same things A Beautiful Mess 2 aspects Speak the same things There be no divisions among them Schismata – to rip up, to tear 4 chapters out of 16
An Appeal A Beautiful Mess The primary calling of God for us as a church is that of UNITY! John 17 One another one another To love one another as God has loved us Our greatest witness should be our unity
An Appeal Perfectly united in mind and thought A Beautiful Mess Perfectly united in mind and thought Perfectly joined together in unity of heart and purpose for the glory of God. Isaiah 26:8 Divisions cannot benefit The cause of Christ
An Awareness 3 questions: Is Christ divided? A Beautiful Mess 3 questions: Is Christ divided? Was Paul crucified for you? Were you baptised in the name of Paul? Absolutely no Impossible Unthinkable
An Awareness Paul pointed men to Jesus Mark 3:14 A Beautiful Mess Paul pointed men to Jesus Mark 3:14 Our main business is to proclaim the saving act of God in Christ Jesus. Wise and eloquent preaching draws people to the preacher Faithful preaching of the Cross causes people to put their full trust on God’s work in Jesus.