Luxembourg, 03rd December 2015 65th Meeting of Directors General responsible for Public Administration in the EU Member States Introduction to the Presidency Studies – ‘Enhancing innovation within public administrations in European countries’ Luxembourg, 03rd December 2015
Priorities & Themes in the Fields of HRWG & IPSG Medium Term Plan (EUPAN) (01st July 2015 - 31th December 2015) Enhancing Institutional Capacity & Ensuring an Efficient Public Administration for Sustainability, Social Cohesion, Economic Growth & Labour Market Horizontal Theme: Innovative & open public administration to build trust and sustain integrity One big priority in the field of IPSG &HRWG: Innovation-enhancing HRM and PSD strategies, policies and practices 65th Meeting of DG responsible for PA in the EU MS (Luxembourg, 03rd December 2015)
Overview of Activities in the Fields of HRWG & IPSG Theme 2: Survey + analytical paper on enhancing innovation through an effective management of a more diverse workforce (OECD) Innovation-enhancing HRM + PSD Policies & Practices Theme 1: Study on trends, challenges & practices towards innovative public services (IDHEAP, EIPA & LIST) Theme 3: Survey on innovative practices in the areas of technology, legislation & organisation regarding security & data protection (CTIE, K. Salmon) 65th Meeting of DG responsible for PA in the EU MS (Luxembourg, 03rd December 2015)