African Development Seminar: Discussion Session PIA 2574: Week 4 African Development Seminar: Discussion Session
Author Profile: Mahmood Mamdani Mahmood Mamdani, (b. 1947 in Kampala, Uganda) is the Herbert Lehman Professor of Government in the Departments of Anthropology and Political Science at Columbia University Mira Nair, Director, Amelia, Mississippi Masala, Monsoon Wedding, Salaam, Bombay Author Profile: Mahmood Mamdani
Alex La Guma (South Africa, 1925-1985) and Bessie Head, (South Africa and Botswana, 1937-1986)
Barbara Kimenye (Uganda, Born in 1929) and M. G Barbara Kimenye (Uganda, Born in 1929) and M.G. Vassanji (Born in Tanzania, 1950).
Ayaan Hirsi Ali (Born Somalia, 1969) and Daniel Bergner, Born, USA, 1963)
Syndicate One- Francophone Africa Syndicate One- Francophone Africa. What argument does each of our authors make about the nature of colonialism? What major similarities do you see between and among our authors. Syndicate Two- Anglophone. What picture of European influence over Africa does the reading give us? What major differences do you see between and among our authors? Syndicate Three- Southern Africa. What picture of African resistance and strength does the reading give us? Comment on the Impact of “Settlers.” Syndicate Questions
Horn of Africa- To what extent is the Horn of Africa different then our other regions? What are the important questions to be asking according to our Authors? North Africa- Is North Africa a part of Africa or the Middle East. What are the historical governance issues noted by our writers. Syndicate Questions
Francophone Africa
Western Africa
Syndicate One- Francophone Africa Syndicate One- Francophone Africa. What argument does each of our authors make about the nature of colonialism? What major similarities do you see between and among our authors. Question
Anglophone West Africa
Anglophone Eastern Africa
Syndicate Two- Anglophone Syndicate Two- Anglophone. What picture of European influence over Africa does the reading give us? What major differences do you see between and among our authors? Question
Southern Africa
Syndicate Three- Southern Africa Syndicate Three- Southern Africa. What picture of African resistance and strength does the reading give us? Comment on the Impact of “Settlers.” Question
Horn of Africa
Horn of Africa- To what extent is the Horn of Africa different then our other regions? What are the important questions to be asking according to our Authors? Question
North Africa
North Africa- Is North Africa a part of Africa or the Middle East North Africa- Is North Africa a part of Africa or the Middle East. What are the historical governance issues noted by our writers. Question