MapMyFitness By: Alyssa Swipes
Objective What is Map My Fitness used for ? Tracking/ record workouts Logging food for the day Recording improvements in nutrition and fitness
Where to buy Free! Can be downloaded from:
Food Logging Map My Fitness will give you the amount of calories needed to get to your goal weight by: Choose current weight & desired weight Choose length of time desired to lose weight by How to track food? Upload food eaten on food tracker Tracker will let you know how much more you can have in that day as per your goal
Tracking & Recording Workouts How? Can determine how hard course is through location services Running uphill/through woods/in a park You can log what type of exercise you are doing Running, walking, jogging, Mountain bike, push ups, etc. Records duration of exercise & amount of calories burned. *Also has a “fitness gear tracker”, will let you know when you should buy new running shoes*
How do I know if I’m improving? Map My Fitness keeps a graph of your improvements each week. Fitness improvements Diet improvements Weight lost Able to compare to other weeks data
24/7 Activity Map My Fitness will also track: Sleep Steps Calories burned Distance walked throughout the day
Why Should You Use This App? Easy to understand Direct Tracks only what is needed to succeed Free of cost