“Memorial Walkway” National Cemetery in Rittman, Ohio
This is a Northern Ohio Knights of Columbus Project. A committee has been formed and is meeting to plan this memorial and the dedication ceremony.
We are asking for a minimum of $50 from all Councils, Assemblies, Chapters and Squire Circles in the Toledo, Cleveland an Youngstown Dioceses.
Estimated Cost of Project: $6,000. As of January 1, 2009: $4,800.
All contributions will be used for this project!
All individual contributors of $100 or more will also be listed. All contributors of $50 or more, will have their name listed on a special plaque on the back of the memorial. All individual contributors of $100 or more will also be listed.
Massillon Council 554 and send to: Make Check payable to Massillon Council 554 and send to: Massillon Council 554 Att: Memorial Project 988 Cherry Road NW Massillon, OH 44647
On behalf of the Rittman Memorial Committee, Thank You