Behavioral study of some apricot varieties in Bucharest area University of Agronomic Sciences and Veterinary Medicine of Bucharest Faculty of Horticulture International Student Symposium “Hortus Academicus” March 29, 2019, Bucharest, Romania Behavioral study of some apricot varieties in Bucharest area Authors names: Dîrmină Narcis Teodor Coordinator : Prof. Dr. Dorel Hoza International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
Introduction The main problem in apricot culture is represented by climate accidents: Freezing rain High temperature variation Late frosts International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
Objectives Studying the influence of climatic accidents on flowering and fructification. Analysis of blooming phenology. Analysis of productive potential. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
I used the stationary analysis method and basic laboratory analyses. Materials and Methods Six Romanian apricot varieties: Dacia Tudor CMB de Ungaria Augustin Olimp Orioznt I used the stationary analysis method and basic laboratory analyses. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
Results and discussions The winter of 2017-2019 was one with high temperatures, and in spring there were extreme phenomena. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
A B Dead buds A – buds that died in January due to temperature variation B, C – buds to which only the pistil has died D – a bud that died totally due to the late frosts C D International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
Freezing rain This is a rare meteorological phenomenon, in which rain drops instantly freeze at the ground. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
Binding of fruit In the spring of 2018 the binding of apricot varieties was a weak one. Thus they bound only 12.5% of the flowers to the Tudor variety and 78% to the Augustin variety.
The fruit drop in 2018 The fruits were affected by the June drop and early fruit drop in the proportions ranging from 35% to the CMB de Ungaria variety to 77% to the Tudor variety. International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
The winter and spring of 2019 were much warmer and without climatic accidents. So, the percentage of buds affected by frost was much lower than in the previous year. The percentage of dead buds was very small under 20% for all six varieties International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania
The phenology of blooming and and fructification
Conclusions and recommendations Characteristic Olimp Tudor Flowering Fruit set Resistence to climatic accidents Percentage of dead buds Fruit drop Late flowering 12.5% in 2018 Hight resistance 25% in 2018 40% in 2018 Early flowering 53% in 2018 Low resistance 74% in 2018 77% in 2018 The best variety is Olimp International Student Symposium "Hortus Academicus“ March 29, 2019 - Bucharest, Romania