Positive Learning Behaviours On your Post It share a BFL strategy that works. Do different strategies work for boys and girls? Positive Learning Behaviours Felix Barber HOY 10
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Understanding motivation Gender Debate (Wednesday CPD) Boys receive more attention than girls - both positive and negative. They receive more external monitoring whereas girls are expected to solve problems independently (Bussey, 2011). PISA study of 43 countries in the OECD found that boys continuously perform less well at reading and are less able to self regulate their behaviour (PISA, 2017). Research suggests there is no cognitive or neurological difference and suggests that this is a result of social or environmental factors (Wallentin, 2009). This is a highly debated topic but there is a body of research which suggests that boys are conditioned to be driven by extrinsic motivation whereas girls are conditioned to be introspective and motivated by ‘mastery orientation’ (Bussey, 2011; Watches et al, 2009).
A SRR teacher is… SRR is… SRR is not… Positive and engaging: “Great it’s 8M today!” Negative with low expectations: “Oh no! 8M, I hope you won’t be like you were last week”. Hooking students with the learning: “We’ve got lots of interesting things we’re going to learn about today”. Irrelevant and boring: “Open your book, turn to page 154 and start the questions”. Welcoming the class, on time, at the door. Logging on as the class arrives, not acknowledging them or having any resources for students to start. Professional, teacher on their feet helping the learner Coffee in hand, shoes off, sitting behind the desk. Helping students find the answer, sometimes letting them fail: growth mindset. Giving the answer, closed questioning, closed mindset Praise in the classroom and postcards home Names on the board for late arrivals & detention warnings Learning outcome orientated: By the end of this lesson I will: 1) Be able to recall three key terms Task orientated: Learning Objective: 1) To write down a list of key terms
Positive Behaviour Management Setting a positive model – at the door, smiling, enthusiastic about working with the children and about the content of the lesson, changing your focus to catching children doing the right thing, modelling the behaviour that you expect to see and making this model overt and easily read, discussing how successful learners deal with the frustrations of learning. Maintaining an Assertive/Positive approach – removing the negatives from your verbal and physical language, being specific about the behaviour that you expect, providing clear choices structured around rewards and sanctions, resisting hostility or passivity. Each day with a clean sheet – making sure that incidents have been dealt with from yesterday and making a conscious decision to refresh your expectations for the class and for individuals. Establishing explicit rituals and routines – verbal routines and rituals written on clear signs (language and image) and posted in two or three areas of the room.
Acknowledgement – saying thank you, acknowledging every child on a personal level and with an informal tone/register, making sure that even the quietest children are acknowledged for their efforts Positive reinforcement and encouragement – redirecting groups of students, catching students doing the right thing, building a positive atmosphere where children feel emotionally safe. Praise and rewards – personal, sincere, specific, eye contact, building relationships and mutual trust. Verbal, written, stickers, merits, phonecall/email home, letter home Redirecting low level disruption – non verbal cues, movement and positioning around the room, proximity, use of verbal cues. Providing clear choices and time to make a decision – ‘You can choose to join the rest of the children on the carpet or to sit next to me. Have a think about what you would like to do, I will come back and speak to you in a moment’. Private verbal warning (removal of planner) – eye contact, lower than eye level where possible, using a positive model of the child’s previous good behaviour to encourage them to make better choices, making sure that they understand they have been given a warning and what will happen if they ignore it – marking the moment. Applying sanctions with care – showing empathy, patience, care, your disappointment, concern, attacking the behaviour not labelling the child.
Top Tips We take responsibility for our pupils but we act as a team Catch them doing the right thing Get in early with praise and positive contact home Clear routines and expectations Learn names quickly (have a strategy in place) Pre-empt poor behaviour; positioning, eye contact, praise, differentiation, seating plan, challenge tasks Seek advice/support from SL/PL/Senco Get to know your pupils-positive relationships are half the battle Meeting their educational needs - appropriate work, with the right differentiation/challenge is crucial. Don’t shout-stay in control We take responsibility for our pupils but we act as a team
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