My Friend Filip by Filip Tomic and David Lukic
My Best Friend Filip My best friend is Filip Tomić. He is 11 years old. He's got blond hair and blue eyes and a big smile. He's funny and talkative. He lives in Valjevo in Zdravka Jovanovica 35.He goes to primary school Andra Savcic . His mother's name is Branka and father's name is Milorad.He has got a brother Nemanja
Filip's Life Filip is the best student in his school. His favourite subjects are English and Maths. He loves to go to school because he has many friends and he loves them all. His favourite music is rock and his favourite singer is Pharrell Williams. His favourite song is Get Lucky. His favourite group is Daft Punk.
My Best Friend Filip His favourite place is Pećina park. He always has a nice time there . In summer he loves to go to the sea and in winter to the mountains. He goes for a walk every day with his friends . He knows a lot of jokes .