Logic Synthesis Tutorial Pusan National University
Introduction A new way for logic design HDL(Hardware Description Language)-based design method This is what we are studying in this course First, hierarchical RTL structure and corresponding behavior are thought, and described in HDL by designers Then, all Boolean logic equations are generated automatically by logic synthesis Corresponding schematic are also generated automatically by logic synthesis Much less error-prone, and tedious 2
Introduction History of Logic Synthesis Pioneered by some researchers at IBM and UC Berkeley in 1980’s Commercialized by Synopsys, the biggest EDA company Revolutionized the way of logic design From error-prone manual logic design to error-free automatic logic design 3
Introduction Typical Flow of Front-end Design Specification Architecture Design RTL design Functional verification (e.g. RTL simulation) Logic synthesis Gate-level verification (e.g. gate-level simulation) To back-end design 4
Logic Synthesis Typical Flow Logic synthesis = Translation + Optimization Design constraints: speed, power consumption, area, etc Technology mapping builds an optimized gate-level net-list from technology-dependent cells provided in a technology library Translation Technology-independent(TI) optimization Technology mapping TI-optimized (gate-level) net-list Optimized Technology library RTL design Design constraints 5
Logic Synthesis Example: Serial_adder DUV data_in sum_out SUM REG q b c r ck reset clock 6
Logic Synthesis Example: Serial_adder(RTL_bahavior) SUM DUV data_in sum_out REG always @ (posedge ck or posedge r) begin if ( r == 1 ) q <= 0 ; else q <= d ; end always @ (a or b) {c, s} = a + b; q d c b r ck reset clock 7
Logic Synthesis Example: Serial_adder(Gate-Level_Structure) SUM DUV - after translation and TI-optimization - SUM DUV data_in a s sum_out REG D Q rst ck q d c b r ck reset clock 8
Logic Synthesis Example: Serial_adder(Gate-Level_Structure) - Technology mapping - Technology Library INVETER1 cell INVERTER2 cell BUFFER1 cell BUFFER2 cell NAND2 cell NAND3 cell NAND4 cell NOR2 cell NOR3 cell NOR4 cell AO cell AOI cell .. 16. 1-bit_HA cell 17. 1-bit_FA cell 25. DFF1_arst1 cell 26. DFF1 cell DUV REG SUM a b s c d q r ck data_in sum_out Cell#16_ 1-bit_HA Cell#25_ DFF1_arst1 reset clock 9
Assignment Logic Synthesis Lab. Complete your RTL design, write a test bench, and perform RTL simulation With your example RTL design and Xilinx ISE, perform the entire logic synthesis process to obtain a technology dependent gate-level netlist At each step in the logic synthesis process with Xilinx ISE, take a screen shot and identify to where it belongs in the typical flow of logic synthesis You should obtain a gate-level Verilog structural code as the final result, and make a PPT file for a possible presentation including the RTL simulation result 10