Science Operations Phil Edwards 30 October 2012 Space for collaborator logos [delete instructions before use] CSIRO ASTRONOMY & SPACE SCIENCE
Visitor Services Group Scientific Computing & Archives Computing Infrastructure Science Operations Centre ATCA Parkes Mopra Long Baseline Array Tidbinbilla Outline Sci Ops | Page 2
Parkes Quarters changes From 1st October 2012 the Parkes Quarters provides accommodation, breakfast and evening meals but will no longer provide lunches. Lunches for observers, Parkes Observatory staff, and other visitors will be available from the Dish Café at reasonable rates and payable to the Dish Café. A menu from the Dish Café is provided for visitors and information on delivery and opening times is clearly posted The new Quarters daily rate of $77.30 per day will be for accommodation, breakfast and dinner only and effective from October 1st Active engagement with SOC work at Marsfield Marsfield VSG group have moved into their new office Visitor Services Group Sci Ops | Page 3
Science Computing & Archives will be merged with the ASKAP computing group to form a new Software and Computing stream. Stream leader to be appointed in the near future. Parkes: RAPT work to be described by Dave McConnell ATCA: Recent miriad changes outlined at New (user friendly) ATCA sensitivity calculator includes 4cm receivers New multi-zoom 64MHz mode included in CABB scheduler Loss of glish expertise and impact on GUIs CABB data in CASA Scientific Computing & Archives Sci Ops | Page 4
ASKAP Opening Oct 5th MRO preparations Geraldton CI member to be hired Replace hydra, crux, kaputar, pictor SOC set-up for ASKAP, Parkes… …relocation of room 23 ATCA and Mopra stations to SOC Video screen installations in SOC interaction area Computing Infrastructure Sci Ops | Page 5
Multi-zoom 64 MHz CABB mode available from beginning of 2012OCT Many recent improvements to CABB usability WVRs installed – commissioning and integration continuing ATCA update ed to users last week Version 2 of ATCA schedule released Plea for observers to complete Observer Feedback form RFI feedback form link added to ATCA webpages Record number of NAPA proposals for 2012OCT CASS Radio School successfully hosted by ATCA ATCA Sci Ops | Page 7
ATCA proposal demand 2013OCT Sci Ops | Page 8
A total of six receiver change days scheduled in 2012OCT. Start:10/50 24-oct:H-OH and 13mm 12-nov:H-OH and S/X 16-nov:10/50 11-feb: H-OH and S/X 15-mar:GLLO and OldMeth (tbc) 21-mar: 10/50 Expect MB20, 10/50, and H-OH to be available in 2013APR, with the availability of other receivers driven by proposal pressure. Highly graded proposals requesting a receiver that is not installed in the focus cabin in 2013 APR dont need to be resubmitted HIPSR commissioning underway AFB and MBCorr decommissioning during 2012OCT Parkes Sci Ops | Page 9
Funding has been secured to operate the Mopra Telescope for three years, commencing in October Mopra operations will initially be supported by NAOJ and UNSW consortium ATNF time in October used for unfinished large projects with high TAC grades: green time requests invited for other LST ranges NAOJ and UNSW consortium provided with list of proprietary observations to avoid duplication of these projects Call for proposals for 2013APR to include proposals for ATNF time, outside LST, for experienced teams Photogrammetry of Mopra dish last week 7mm receiver operational again! Mopra Sci Ops | Page 10
SciOps arXiv:
Back to normal number of LBA proposals in 2012OCT Mopra 6cm/3cm (C/X) band receiver removed in May 2012 to enable ATCA 4cm upgrade to proceed with 6 antennas available at all times: expect C/X receiver back on Mopra for March LBA session. Move from 3 x 1-week blocks per year to more frequent, shorter sessions (allowing closer spacing for multi-epoch monitoring) undergoing change. Driven to four main sessions a year (with possibility of 1.4/1.6GHz only sessions at other times). RadioAstron observations at 4.8 or 22 GHz with Parkes constrained by receiver availability. Tracking station constraints mean co- observations with LBA are typically ~1 hr. RadioAstron AO-1 deadline 01-feb-2013 Long Baseline Array Sci Ops | Page 12
The 70-m will be unavailable for 7 months from the middle of November 2012 due to maintenance downtime RadioAstron Early Science Program making use of 70-m availability A new 4-channel K-band receiver and down-converter system has been installed on the 70m. This system supports two simultaneous beams per polarisation (four beams in total) between 21 GHz and 25 GHz. Tidbinbilla 34m antennas able to be used at 2.3, 8.4, 32 GHz for VLBI observations Tidbinbilla Sci Ops | Page 13
Thank you CASS/ATNF Phil Edwards Head of Science Operations t CSIRO ASTRONOMY & SPACE SCIENCE
It is clear the current requirements are not sufficient, which has led to the suggestion of a points-based qualification system. An example might be that 100 points are needed to qualify, and: Been DA in the last 6 months:+100 points Been DA 6 – 12 months ago: +80 points Observed from Narrabri in last 6 months: +30 points per observation Observed from Narrabri in last 6 – 12 months:+20 points per observation Observed remotely in last 6 months:+10 points per observation Observed remotely in last 6 – 12 months: + 5 points per observation Completed observer feedback form:+10 points Submitted (non-trivial) Fault Report:+10 points Contributed to ATCA forum: +10 points Submitted rem obs request < 2 weeks in advance:- 10 points Qualifying for ATCA remote observing Sci Ops | Page 15