Curriculum and Learning Testing, Testing 1-2-3 Strategies for Taking the State Reading and Math Tests Omaha Public Schools Curriculum and Learning
The Night Before Testing Go to bed on time so you are rested and ready to do your best. Talk to your parents or teacher about any concern you have about taking the test.
The Morning of the Test Start the day with a good breakfast. Dress in clothes that make you feel comfortable. Arrive at school on time.
Pace Yourself Don’t spend too much time on any one question. Do your best and then move on. Answer the easiest questions first. Mark those that you skip on your scratch paper and go back to those questions!!
Getting Tired? Roll your head, shake out your arms, wiggle your legs and feet. Breathe! Oxygen to your brain helps you think. Think Positive! “I can do this!” “I am going to do my best!”
Extra! Extra! Read All About It! If the directions say read…. READ! Pay close attention to signal words in the directions, such as explain, interpret, and compare.
Multiple Choice Questions Read the directions carefully. Read the question and all answer choices before marking anything.
“UNPACK” the Question! Underline key words Number the parts of the ? Plan how you will answer Answer using specific details Check off each part as you do it Keep up the great work
Key Words Find key words or phrases in the question that will help you choose the correct answer. Watch for key words (always, sometimes, never, except, probably). They can change the meaning of the question.
Are We Communicating? Make sure you understand what the question is asking. Be sure you are responding to the question that is being asked. Highlight or underline , the details in the questions. This helps you focus on exactly what the question is asking you to do.
My Prediction is….. Predict what the answer is BEFORE you read the choices.
The Process of Elimination After you have been through all of the answer choices once, go back and eliminate choices that you know are incorrect. I know C isn’t the answer!
Wrong or Right? If you can eliminate two wrong answers, your chance of choosing the right answer is greater.
Answering Questions Don't guess blindly, but if you have time to think about the best answer choice, make it! Choose the BEST OVERALL answer when more than one choice seems correct.
Plug it in, Plug it in! Once you have chosen your answer, plug it in and make sure that it makes sense! (This works great with vocabulary questions.)
My Answer is….. Do not change your answers unless you are very uncertain about your first answer choice. Try to answer every question. Make the most intelligent guess you can.
Skip, Return, Check If you finish early, check to make sure you have answered all questions. Yes, that means really go back and check your work!
Reading Test If the test requires you to read passages and then answer questions about what you read, Read the questions first if time allows! By doing this, you will know what you are looking for as you read. This also helps you go faster on the test.
Reading Test When there are several questions about a reading passage or chart, look for clues In other questions that will help you with those items about which you are unsure.
Pick out KEY WORDS… SKIMMING: Read pieces of the text: dates, names, and places; review graphs, tables, and charts. A quick check of text. SCANNNING: Find a particular answer. Scanning involves moving your eyes quickly down the page seeking specific words and phrases to help you answer a question. HIGHLIGHT or UNDERLINE when you read to save time later.
Tough Vocabulary Use context clues- look at the other words in the sentence to help you know the meaning of an unfamiliar word. Look at parts of words and work from what you DO know.
Math Computation Use scratch paper on the math test to figure out the problem before answering. Grades 4 – 6: Use the reference sheet with the formulas.
Math Computation Line up place value correctly on your scratch paper (thousands, hundreds, tens, ones) or the answer will be incorrect.
Math Computation If your answer does not match one of the choices, reread the problem, recopy the numbers, and try solving it again.
Be Smart With Charts & Zap the Graphs! Charts and Graphs provide information that you can use to answer questions! Analyze ALL information provided before answering the questions!
A Matter of Time Remember: Your first guess is usually right. If any time remains, spend it on those questions about which you know nothing or almost nothing. As you go back through, do not change all answers. Remember: Your first guess is usually right.
Keep On, Keeping On! If you get to a couple of questions that you just don’t know, don’t give up! Keep trying your best!
If you SNOOZE, You will LOSE! Don’t leave a question unanswered. You will not have ANY chance of getting it right.
Check It Out! When you have completed the test, go back and check your work!
Resources Nebraska Department of Education PPT Test Taking Strategies – Greece Central School District Strategies for Taking Standardized Tests. 'Twas the Night Before Testing ... Mark those that you skip on the test book and go back to those questions! ...