TOMORROW: Test + Irony packet due TODAY: World café ~ AGENDA TODAY: World café ~ “Lamb to the Slaughter” TOMORROW: Test + Irony packet due
World Café Norms (standards,rules) RULES/NORMS: Be polite and show respect. Listen to each other speak. Don’t waste time-time limit Use your books. You are being graded. Don’t mess around with the markers. Write legibly. Don’t play with the food. You may eat it but please pick up after yourself. Stay clean. Is this the last world café?
Objective: Scholars will be able to analyze irony in “Lamb to the Slaughter” by answering questions in their world café groups.
World Café Norms (standards,rules) Each group has a host. Host is number 0. Each student has a colored marker that must remain at that table. You are being graded. I will move the paper clip on the rubric.
Round one Host introduces him or herself and reads the question. Every student must answer the question in writing as well as orally. (with their own color marker) Host is responsible for markers and keeping group on track.
Round two Host introduces him or herself and reads the question and discusses what the group just talked about. Every student must tell what their previous group talked about. Every student answers the new question in front of them on the same paper. Again, you must write it and discuss it. Host collects markers.
Round three Host introduces him or herself and reads the question and discusses what the group just talked about. Every student must tell what their previous group talked about. Every student answers the new question in front of them on the same paper. Again, you must write it and discuss it. Host collects markers.
Round four Host introduces him or herself and reads the question and discusses what the group just talked about. Every student must tell what their previous group talked about. Every student answers the new question in front of them on the same paper. Again, you must write it and discuss it. Host collects markers.
Round – home group Host discusses what the group just talked about. Every student must tell what their previous group talked about. Every student adds something to their previous answer or asks a question. Host collects markers.
Share out information Number students in groups. Host reads question to class. One number is chosen and that student has to share with the class.
Ticket out the door: Reflection As a result of these conversations, what is something new you learned? What question might you have that you want answered? Thoughts….. Quick vocabulary review. Open IR to page ___.