MTP Stuttgart
Coppenrath & Wiese Advertised products: Goldstücke, Café Vivendi Media agency: pilot Main partners: G+J EMS, Tomorrow Focus Additional placements:,,,, Budget: ? Application: 1% Online, 99% TV
Coppenrath & Wiese Way of communication TV-Spots Online: Micro TV-Spots as Superstitial or PopUnder "Goldstücke " Café Vivendi Broadcasting period February to May2003 TV: four weeks each Online: two weeks each
Coppenrath & Wiese Aim Establishing the brand particulary in the young target group (18-39 Y) Main target group Women, Years of age middle to hight level of education middle to high income intensive usage of the online medium
Coppenrath & Wiese Commercial Recall GoldstückeCafé Vivendi +6% +25% +3% +20%
Coppenrath & Wiese Brand awareness GoldstückeCafé Vivendi +10% +6% - 1%+2%
Coppenrath & Wiese Image +15% +12% +16% +15% +25% +22% +33%
Coppenrath & Wiese Sales Goldstücke: +66% Café Vivendi : +74% Brand sympathy
Conclusion threefold rise of the total commercial recall Increase of the spontaneous brand awareness Improvement of the total brand awareness nearly impossible due to high initial values heightened awareness of important dimensions of the brand image - especially modernity ( target group) high values in sales and brand sympathy were realized