Making Equivalent Fractions
To Make Equivalent Fractions Multiply or divide the numerator and denominator by the same number. You will get a new fraction with the same value as the original fraction.
These fractions represent the same amount. x = = These fractions represent the same amount.
These fractions represent the same amount. ÷ = = These fractions represent the same amount.
Make An Equivalent Fraction Find the Missing Numerator! Given the new denominator, can you find the missing numerator? x 4 = We multiplied the numerator and denominator by ... x 4 4 Smaller number to bigger number Multiplication
Make An Equivalent Fraction Find the Missing Numerator! Given the new denominator, can you find the missing numerator? ÷ 9 = We divided the numerator and denominator by ... ÷ 9 9 Bigger number to smaller number Divison
Make An Equivalent Fraction Find the Missing Numerator! Given the new denominator, can you find the missing numerator? x 3 = We multiplied the numerator and denominator by ... x 3 3 Smaller number to bigger number Multiplication
Make An Equivalent Fraction Find the Missing Numerator! Given the new denominator, can you find the missing numerator? ÷ 3 = We divided the numerator and denominator by ... ÷ 3 3 Bigger number to smaller number Divison
Make An Equivalent Fraction Find the Missing Denominator! Given the new numerator, can you find the missing denominator? x 7 = x 7 We multiplied the numerator and denominator by ... 7 Smaller number to bigger number Multiplication
Make An Equivalent Fraction Find the Missing Denominator! Given the new numerator, can you find the missing denominator? ÷ 5 = ÷ 5 We divided the numerator and denominator by ... 5 Bigger number to smaller number Divison
Make An Equivalent Fraction Find the Missing Denominator! Given the new numerator, can you find the missing denominator? x 6 = We multiplied the numerator and denominator by ... x 6 6 Smaller number to bigger number Multiplication
Make An Equivalent Fraction Find the Missing Denominator! Given the new numerator, can you find the missing denominator? ÷ 8 = We divide the numerator and denominator by ... ÷ 8 8 Bigger number to smaller number Divison
Make Equivalent Fractions Try these on your own. Make Equivalent Fractions = 2 = 55 A C = 45 = 9 D B