Geospatial Technology for Integrated Watershed and Erosion Management Ademola Omojola Geography Department Unilag Exploring New Worlds in Space: Challenges and Prospects in Nigeria World Bank/ NEWMAP SSKE Knowledge Fair to Celebrate World Space Week, October 4-6, 2017 Sheraton Hotel, Abuja
1. Geospatial Technology for Integrated Watershed and Erosion Management Watershed Management Watersheds (surface and groundwater) Watershed as a system Key Components and indicators Hydrometeorology Topography Landuse Vegetation Soils Geology Agriculture, Urbanization and other activities Watershed Degradation Erosion Flooding
2. Geospatial Technology Remote Sensing – systems, platforms, contemporary developments eg microsatellites and UAS. GIS – What is it? Opportunities for natural resource management GNSS and other allied technologies – big data and IOTs
3. Challenges and the Way Forward Institutional arrangements RBDAs, inter-administrative nature of RBs, tools, funding, framework of operations and interventions, scope and jurisdiction, planning, inventory, monitoring etc Uninformed management endemicity or norm Poor mapping or use of geo-information in decision making or support
3b. Challenges and the Way Forward Tweaking institutional issues – framework, strategies, polcies, funding, political will New geoinformation services and consultants/experts – eg drone service providers, information not data to be relevant, turn-key providers leveraging on web services for penetration and visibility/availability PPP eg current advert to concession some RBDAs to outsourcing some of the functions of RBDAs New educational curriculum in higher institutions to support contemporary needs and challenges – eg SDGs, climate risk assessments and mapping
Climate Change …contd
Climate Change Risks Assessment Hazards Heat waves Coastal Storms Floods Vulnerability Size and Density Topography % of poor % of GDP Adaptive capacity Information and Resources Institutions and governance Change agents Risk
5 Climate Change Risks Assessment.. Ctd.