Eliciting author revision at a distance Aleksandra Mišak Zagreb, Croatia METM 2006
Symbolism... Importance of communication NNSE knowledge understanding clarity... NNSE
Manuscripts From submission to publication rejected revised (authors / manuscript submission revised (authors / language professional) reviewed/accepted (peers & editors) accepted/edited (house style) published rejected
Reasons for revision incomplete information inaccurate information statistical analysis references numbers unclear information language presentation and interpretation of results
Working with author Communication Dialogue Cooperation Confidentiality Understanding the topic Clear questions Sharing the same aim Negotiating solutions Dialogue Cooperation Confidentiality
How? E-mail (90%) Telephone Meeting questions/changes listed in the e-message questions/changes incorporated in the attached manuscript Telephone Meeting
Manuscript Incorporate questions into the text Change the text and ask if the change is correct authors usually notice themselves if the change is incorrect
Manuscript 1
Manuscript 2
Possible obstacles Author underestimates editor’s/translator’s competence and power to help Author overestimates editor’s/translator’s competence and power to help Editor/translator asks unclear questions Author’s language skills
Important aspects... Communication Mutual respect Negotiation Perseverance Clarity
Revision process