Five Strands of Social Studies
DID YOU KNOW? Social Studies answers the burning question…”WHY”? WHY do people live there? WHY do they speak that way? It combines the study of cultures, geography, history, economics, and government and their impact on our lives today…and tomorrow!
In Social Studies, we have “five strands” of Social Studies In Social Studies, we have “five strands” of Social Studies. A strand is an area of study. They are… Geography History Government Culture Economy Each strand is COMBINED to create the identity of a region, a nation, and a person!
Salt to taste…. The strands of Social Studies form the identity of a region, nation and person but not necessarily in equal parts. Like a recipe, different combinations make the perfect dish! Which strand of Social Studies best defines one’s identity?
The study of people, places and the environment Physical features: Continents, oceans, and landforms Longitude & Latitude Geography Climate: weather over a period of time Political features: countries & cities The study of people, places and the environment
Geography How does where you live affect how you live?
History A record of the past-can be a written account OR an artifact We learn history from 2 sources: Primary source: document, person, or object from the actual time Secondary source: document, person, or object that interprets or analyzes primary sources Events that changed the way people live today History People who changed society A record of the past-can be a written account OR an artifact
History How does the past shape the present?
Art & Recreation Religion & Traditions Food, Dress, & Greetings Culture Language The beliefs, customs, laws, art, and ways of living of a group of people.
Culture How does local culture affect the traditions of the region?
Personal freedom Citizen participation Government Type of government Structure of the government The people and groups within a society that make laws, to make sure they carried out, and to settle disagreements about them.
Government How does citizen satisfaction impact the government? How much can a citizen participate in their government?
Economic systems: traditional, market, command, and mixed Natural, Capital, and Human resources Economics Trade barriers, money, exchange rates Entrepreneurs The study of how people manage their resources by producing, exchanging, and using goods and services.
Economics Who decides what, how, and for whom things are made? (gov’t, people, traditions)