Let’s TACO ‘bout homework! Ashley Lein- alein@wcpss.net
Wait… I decide what my homework is? We came up with this idea because of copying and the rush to finish as task completion. What if the students decide what they do for HW? Will they actually take something from it?
Yes! Through the use of a weekly homework log you are able to document your work and submit it each TUESDAY. This allows freedom for strong language students and a structure for struggling language students all while maintaining communication between the parent/guardian, the teacher, and the student.
Focuses Vocabulary- 5 Nights a week Grammar- 5 Nights a week Authentic Listening- Once per week
Vocabulary Examples Columns- Every Tuesday Quizlet
Grammar Success Series Señor Jordan Guided Practice Online Practice- Only needs to be submitted if the student has a C or lower in the course Sites like studyspanish.com. A list of resources can be found under the Homework Help tab on the teacher page. Studyspanish.com, infor-mania.org, duolingo.com, 123teachme, textbook website etc.
Listening Click here to see a list of songs and other suggestions Let’s give it a try! Oldies but goodies! Mafalda Condorito Univisíon Telenovelas Dora Podcasts
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