Developing your Annual Quality Statement 17 November 2014 Developing your Annual Quality Statement Presenter: Janet Davies Developing your Annual Quality Statement 2013/2014
Who and what is it for? Being clear about the audience Challenge of writing for the public Styles and avoiding jargon/abbreviations Breadth v brevity – required length 20 pages [last year 34 – 102 pages this year 22 - 44 pages] Duplication with other reports Lack of signposting
Your AQS – snapshot examples Who’s it for? Our patients and donors Their family and friends who support them Our staff The general public Insert name of presentation on Master Slide
Your AQS – snapshot exapmles Anti-psychotic drugs We have worked with care homes to reduce anti-psychotic prescribing in people with mental health problems. We have reduced prescribing from 29% to 20% in care homes. This work has been supplemented with producing checklist and advice for care homes and for carers. Insert name of presentation on Master Slide
Your AQS – snapshot examples At the end of March 2014, 91.4% of patients waited less than 26 weeks and 891 patients had waited more than 36 weeks for treatment. Insert name of presentation on Master Slide
Your AQS – snapshot examples World Sepsis Day Our 1,000 Lives Improvement Service ran a campaign across Wales to raise awareness of the life threatening illness, sepsis. Healthcare staff in hospitals, the ambulance service and the community joined the campaign Insert name of presentation on Master Slide
Covering the basics Too hospital focused – lacking coverage from primary, community & mental health Lacking coverage of third sector input
Building the AQS - Engagement Involve and engage the public, patients and staff upfront Clear interactive process v year end activity Building from directorate/service level Time constraints Board engagement/sign off Wider stakeholder involvement – Audit/CHC Insert name of presentation on Master Slide
Building the AQS - Communications Last year we reported: Mixed engagement with communications lead Not part of comms strategy Little publicising/use of social media Impact and feedback This year: ?
Your AQS – over to you What worked well for you this year? What were the challenges you faced? What do you think needs to be done differently?