Updated Progress on ESCI Knowledge Sharing Platform(KSP) EWG44 Washington, D.C., U.S.A CHINESE TAIPEI 7-8 November 2012
Contents Overview Current Progress The Way Forward
I. Overview
Announcement of Launch of ESCI in Background Announcement of Launch of ESCI in Nov 2010, Yokohama, Japan
ESCI KSP Project The ESCI KSP project has been jointly coordinated by Chinese Taipei and United States since 2011. To Develop a web-based knowledge management center as “Knowledge Sharing Platform(KSP)” that will host and share each of the ESCI projects and related data. To Ensure that database and information gathering practices among Asia-Pacific area are done in an uniform and consistent way. To consolidate information and data to support actions that will contribute to APEC’s policy of 45% reduction of Energy Intensity from 2005 base by 2035.
A Cooperative mechanism to mobilize the ESCI Action Networks Key Features of KSP A central repository for case studies and technologies related to Smart Transport, Buildings, Grids, Jobs and Low Carbon Model Towns A Useful tool designed to inspire collaborations between economies and between the public and private sectors A Cooperative mechanism to mobilize the ESCI Action Networks
II. Current Progress
Results and Progress http://esci-ksp.org/ The official version was presented to APEC economies in the EWG43 meeting in Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.
Results and Progress About ESCI Register/ Login Submit a project Search Contacts Main pillars Case study Sub-tasks
Results and Progress rich collection of cases: 151 cases by far
Results and Progress complete explanation of every single case
Systematic search function Results and Progress Systematic search function
Results and Progress Easy and convenient access for the economies and experts to upload the project progress
Results and Progress Current Status contains 151 case studies from APEC economies two video-taped interviews with key figures(more to come) network of task leaders and representatives (more than 30) from 18 APEC economies who offer the project materials collects the latest programs and presentation materials from the workshops including Smart Transport, Smart Grids and Low Carbon Model Towns Scheduled Calendar of upcoming meetings Categorized links to other useful and relevant websites, such as EGEE&C, ECOWAN, etc.
III. The Way Forward
Future Workplan The task leads will be invited to participate in the quarterly monitor of the website content to ensure the data correctness. The website network will be expanded to outreach more participants to enrich the data. Quarterly newsletter with the latest information will be sent to the users of ESCI-KSP to enhance the utilization of website resources.
Your comments are welcome!