Skill breakdown: 529 less than 1953 Bigger/smaller (layout) Place value (columns & layout) Exchanging (50&3, 40&13) Less than is subtraction Number facts Estimation
- 7 2 2 6 5 2 6 5 - 7 2 2 6 5 - 7 2
Count up, e.g. 9-7 Count back, e.g. 9-2 Two parts, e.g. 9-4
Count up, e.g. 9-7 Count back, e.g. 9-2 Two parts, e.g. 9-4
Skill breakdown: 7+5, border 10
Quantity Recognition Base-5/Base-10 Number as length 3 10
10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
10 5
10 5 3
Spot the mistake 10 9 8 7 5 6 4 3 2 1
Spot the mistake 10 9 8 7 6 5 4 3 2 1
0 1000 297 350 846
0 100 297 350 846
Skill breakdown: 7+5, border 10 Know 7+5 is more than 10 7 + ___ = 10 Split 5 into 3 and 2 10 + 2 = 12
Skill breakdown: 7+5, border 10 7 + ___ = 10 Split 5 into 3 and 2
Skill breakdown: 7+5, border 10 Know 7+5 is more than 10 8+3 6+3 7+3 7+2 7+5
There are 5 cars in the car park. Represent this with counters.
There are 5 cars in the car park. 3 cars drive away. Represent this with counters.
There are 5 cars in the car park. 3 cars drive away. Represent this with counters.
The Johnson family have 7 pets.
The Johnson family have 7 pets. They have 4 cats and 3 dogs.
The Lister family have 7 pets. They have 5 cats and some dogs.
The Lister family have 7 pets. They have 5 cats and some dogs. 7 5 7 5
People at home People upstairs People downstairs
Build understanding, address errors 5 + 2 = ___ + 3 1 5 of 15 3 4 of ___ = 120 3 different numbers have an average of 8. What are the numbers?
1 4 of 12
3 4 of a number is 12. What’s the number? 12
Ben has three times as many conkers as Holly. Ben and Holly have 12 conkers. How many conkers does Holly have?
Ben has three times as many conkers as Holly.
Ben has three times as many conkers as Holly. Ben and Holly have 12 conkers.
Ben has three times as many conkers as Holly. Ben and Holly have 12 conkers. How many conkers does Holly have?
For every 3 girls in the class there are 2 boys. There are 30 children. How many girls? girls 30 boys
8p 8p
8p 8p 5p
5p 8p 8p 5p
5p 2p 8p 8p 5p
Tea costs more than biscuit Task 14: Café calculations Tea costs more than biscuit tea biscuit ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION I SEE PROBLEM-SOLVING – UKS2
Tea and biscuit = £1.30 tea £1.30 biscuit Task 14: Café calculations ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION I SEE PROBLEM-SOLVING – UKS2
Tea 60p more than biscuit tea £1.30 biscuit 60p Task 14: Café calculations Tea 60p more than biscuit tea £1.30 biscuit 60p ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION I SEE PROBLEM-SOLVING – UKS2
Two sections : £1.30 – 60p = 70p tea £1.30 biscuit 60p Task 14: Café calculations Two sections : £1.30 – 60p = 70p tea £1.30 biscuit 60p ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION I SEE PROBLEM-SOLVING – UKS2
Each section: 70p ÷ 2 = 35p 35p tea £1.30 biscuit 35p 60p Task 14: Café calculations Each section: 70p ÷ 2 = 35p 35p tea £1.30 biscuit 35p 60p ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION I SEE PROBLEM-SOLVING – UKS2
A biscuit costs 35p 35p tea £1.30 biscuit 35p 60p Task 14: Café calculations A biscuit costs 35p 35p tea £1.30 biscuit 35p 60p ADDITION AND SUBTRACTION I SEE PROBLEM-SOLVING – UKS2
Build understanding, address errors 5 + 2 = ___ + 3 1 5 of 15 3 4 of ___ = 120 3 different numbers have an average of 8. What are the numbers?
Comparing fractions: 1 4 and 1 6 3 4 and 5 6 Adding fractions: 5 6 + 1 3 Improper fractions ↔ mixed numbers: 12 8 1 2 3 Equivalent fractions: 1 2 is equivalent to… 3 4 = 12
Pre-teaching Spaced Practice Plenary takeaway Live models
‘Feedback has a large effect on learning, but the range of effects is wide and a proportion of studies show negative effects. Feedback should be used sparingly and predominantly reserved for more complex tasks, where it may support learners’ perseverance.’
Variation 1 4 of 24 = 3 4 of 24 = 3 4 of 48 = 3 8 of 48 =
Variation 1 4 of 24 = 3 4 of 24 = 3 4 of 48 = 3 8 of 48 = 14 – 7 = 15 – 8 = 16 – 9 =
Variation 1 4 of 24 = 3 4 of 24 = 3 4 of 48 = 3 8 of 48 = 24 × 100 = 24 × 50 = 12 × 25 = 14 × 25 = 7 × 50 = 14 – 7 = 15 – 8 = 16 – 9 =