English I September 15, 2014
Welcome Back! Take out a sheet of paper and make your five sections for the weekly warm-ups!
Prefix/Root: Co- / Com- =with, together Sentence Example: All of her co-workers were proud of Sally’s accomplishments.
Grammar Pattern of the Week Adverbs modify (add description to) a verb, an adjective, or another adverb. They truly answer the questions: “Where? When? In what manner? To what extent?” (Underline all adverbs and draw arrows to their partner words in the sentences this week.) Examples: Now, First, Here, There, Abruptly, Endlessly
6th Period: The Gift of the Magi Turn to pg. 288, we will pick up where we left off
1st-5th: Discussion Questions At what point do they note changes in the gutters? Why does the artist choose to alter the gutters at this time? What emotions do such gutter changes evoke? How many panels are there? How are the panels the same? How do they differ? Why do they think the author made these choices? What do we learn from captions? What do we learn from speech bubbles? What kind of information is provided in the captions versus in the things the characters say? What images stand out? What do the images communicate?
Writing Assignment * The excerpt’s theme and writer’s purpose Everyone take out a sheet of paper and put your name, date, unit 1, week 4 at the top You can talk to one another but each of you should turn in the writing assignment, do NOT copy one another Write1-2 paragraphs that addresses the following: * The excerpt’s theme and writer’s purpose * A 1-2 sentence summary of the excerpt * An explanation of how the writer blends a historical event with personal narrative using comic vocabulary and specific details from the text. Pick at least three comic terms and talk about how it helps contribute to the historical event or advances the person’s story in the time period
For tomorrow, At least one person in your group should bring your summer reading book to class everyday If you have your SOAPSTONED sheet, that will be helpful! Homework: Work on your Comic Strip Planning Sheets
English I September 16, 2014
Prefix: Ex-/E-= out, from Sentence Example: The really small boy exhaled loudly as he ran swiftly around the very large obstacle course.
Prefix: Ex-/E-= out, from Sentence Example: The really small boy exhaled loudly as he ran swiftly around the very large obstacle course.
Narrative Techniques Ambiguity – offers several conflicting consequences or meanings “Foreigners are hunting dogs.” Irony: what we expect vs. what actually happens Verbal irony: someone says one thing but means the opposite; “This mattress is soft like a brick.” Situational irony: an event that is surprising and opposite of what we expect; Posting on Facebook complaining how useless Facebook is Dramatic irony: in plays, when we know what is going to happen to the character but they do not; In a scary movie, the character walks into a house and the audience knows the killer is in the house.
The Gift of the Magi In your groups, you will be assigned a narrative technique 1.“plot with plot mountain”, 2.“setting and characters”, 3.“what the conflict was and the type of conflict”, 4.“the narrator and POV”, 5.“mood and tone of story and author”, 6.“what is the irony and what type”; 7.“what is the theme or main idea (message we should get out of reading the story)”, 8.”Use of figurative language” (metaphors, similes, personification, imagery, vivid details, etc.) I will place you in groups! On your sheet you need to make a visual representation AND choose two quotes that support your point.
6th: Parts of a Comic Script: all the written directions for how the comic book will get put together; the dialogue for the comic Pages: parts in the script where the writer tells what should be on each page Panels: rectangles or squares where the action of the script will go Frame: The lines and borders that contain the panels Gutter: the space between the panels
Parts of a Comic Word balloons: to show where people speak Thought balloons: to show when people are thinking Narrative/caption blocks: little rectangles or squares where a narrator, maybe a character from the story, shares special information with us Open panels: panels where one or more, or even all, of the sides are open to help show dramatic effect Splash page: usually a panel that takes up the whole page, used to help introduce stories or give special attention to battles or particular events
We will look at comics and talk about the parts of them and how they integrate story telling with history.
1st-5th: Discussion Questions At what point do they note changes in the gutters? Why does the artist choose to alter the gutters at this time? What emotions do such gutter changes evoke? How many panels are there? How are the panels the same? How do they differ? Why do they think the author made these choices? What do we learn from captions? What do we learn from speech bubbles? What kind of information is provided in the captions versus in the things the characters say? What images stand out? What do the images communicate?
Writing Assignment * The excerpt’s theme and writer’s purpose Everyone take out a sheet of paper and put your name, date, unit 1, week 4 at the top You can talk to one another but each of you should turn in the writing assignment, do NOT copy one another Write1-2 paragraphs that addresses the following: * The excerpt’s theme and writer’s purpose * A 1-2 sentence summary of the excerpt * An explanation of how the writer blends a historical event with personal narrative using comic vocabulary and specific details from the text. Pick at least three comic terms and talk about how it helps contribute to the historical event or advances the person’s story in the time period
Take out your “Comparing Themes Across Genres” worksheet We will complete the last boxes together Take out a sheet of paper and put your name, date, Unit 1 and Week 3. Title it “Comparing Themes Across Genres” Take 5-7 minutes to write a paragraph that identifies techniques in both fiction and non-fiction that can be used to write a narrative. Identify at least three techniques that can be used
Your Upcoming Project You work with a team of writers at Marvelous Comics. Marvelous Comics’ characters are ordinary citizens who live news-worthy lives. Part of your responsibility is to scan newspapers and television news for stories of such people as inspiration for your stories. Your assignment is to use your summer reading and transform it into a short comic. Your comic must include: * At least two characters * A plot line with a beginning, middle, and end. * Word balloons for dialogue between characters that advance the plot line. * Caption blocks that set the scene or provides special information. * Landscape and props that establish the setting. Creative words and details that establish tone and mood Figurative Language POV that is the same as your summer reading
I will also include 15 points of your grade on creativity in your comic!!!! You will evaluate your peers based on their effort in the group!
For tomorrow, At least one person in your group should bring your summer reading book to class everyday If you have your SOAPSTONED sheet, that will be helpful! Homework: Work on your Comic Strip Planning Sheets
Take out your “Comparing Themes Across Genres” worksheet We will complete the last boxes together Take out a sheet of paper and put your name, date, Unit 1 and Week 3. Title it “Comparing Themes Across Genres” Take 5-7 minutes to write a paragraph that identifies techniques in both fiction and non-fiction that can be used to write a narrative. Identify at least three techniques that can be used
Your Upcoming Project You work with a team of writers at Marvelous Comics. Marvelous Comics’ characters are ordinary citizens who live news-worthy lives. Part of your responsibility is to scan newspapers and television news for stories of such people as inspiration for your stories. Your assignment is to use your summer reading and transform it into a short comic. Your comic must include: * At least two characters * A plot line with a beginning, middle, and end. * Word balloons for dialogue between characters that advance the plot line. * Caption blocks that set the scene or provides special information. * Landscape and props that establish the setting. Creative words and details that establish tone and mood Figurative Language POV that is the same as your summer reading
I will also include 15 points of your grade on creativity in your comic!!!! You will evaluate your peers based on their effort in the group!
Stand On Sides of the Room Based On Your Summer Reading Choice
Today, you will begin planning your comic! Get into groups based on your summer reading and compare graphic organizers Look at your SOAPSTONED sheet for your summer reading Also, talk about the important scenes in your book that stood out You should have half your Comic Strip Planning Sheet Completed Take 20 minutes to do this
Now….. Work with your partners and consider your revisions Mix your plans together on the back of your sheets You should have a basic outline of your comic
Hand Out: Comic Book Scripting Techniques Read over this Homework: Write down and plan at least 7 pieces of dialogue you think would be appropriate in your comic. Consider the rubric in your planning. Tomorrow you will: With your partner, complete a script for each panel of your comic. Consider the requirements on your rubric sheet to make sure you have figurative language, POV, setting, a beginning, middle, end, and details that establish tone and mood. I will meet with each group over the next two days to talk about your progress.
English i September 17, 2014
Prefix: In-/ Im- = in, into Sentence Example: The worried girl was dreadfully afraid of the painful injections which would routinely follow a rabies bite.
Prefix: Sentence Example: In-/ Im- = in, into Sentence Example: The worried girl was dreadfully afraid of the painful injections which would routinely follow a rabies bite.
Today, you will begin planning your comic! Get into groups based on your summer reading and compare graphic organizers Look at your SOAPSTONED sheet for your summer reading Also, talk about the important scenes in your book that stood out Take 20 minutes to do this
Now….. Work with your partners and consider your revisions Mix your plans together on the back of your sheets You should have a basic outline of your comic
Hand Out: Comic Book Scripting Techniques Read over this Homework: Write down and plan at least 7 pieces of dialogue you think would be appropriate in your comic. Consider the rubric in your planning. Tomorrow you will: With your partner, complete a script for each panel of your comic. Consider the requirements on your rubric sheet to make sure you have figurative language, POV, setting, a beginning, middle, end, and details that establish tone and mood. I will meet with each group over the next two days to talk about your progress.
Today You Must Complete the Following: 15 – 20 minutes: Looking at your script ideas, plan a common script to use, use your comic strip planning sheet to plan out panels, look at your rubric to complete this During the last 15 minutes of class you will complete the writer’s workshop protocol for your comic I will be having conferences with your groups
English I September 18, 2014
Sentence Example: Re-write using an action verb. Insert an adverb! Prefix: Inter- = between, among Sentence Example: Re-write using an action verb. Insert an adverb! The international flight was very long.
Today You Must Complete the Following: 15 – 20 minutes: Looking at your script ideas, plan a common script to use, use your comic strip planning sheet to plan out panels, look at your rubric to complete this During the last 15 minutes of class you will complete the writer’s workshop protocol for your comic I will be having conferences with your groups
Today You will use the rest of class to complete your scripts and to sketch your comic. A rough draft is due to me before class ends. You must have all panels you plan to use with dialogue and setting: consult your rubric to ensure you are meeting all requirements I will finish my individual conferences with each group
EnglishI September 19, 2014
Quiz 4: 1. If you “interpose” your opinion in a conversation, what are you doing? 2. Use the prefix “Ex-” correctly in a word and define the word. 3. What are you doing if you “impose”? 4. In the word “collect,” does the root mean “with” or “together”? 5. 6-10 Write 4 sentences with each containing at least one adverb. Underline the adverb and draw a line to the word it modifies.
Today… Jeopardy We will go over the study guide for the test on Monday