Best Practices On-Line Analysis Tools Executive Seminar September, 2005
Query Capability The query capability will allow you to access the VBB database on-line through your web browser. The goal is to provide you with real-time relevant information on benchmarks and best practices. You will be able to select from up to 25 filters to focus on operations like you or operations that fit into a scenario that you would like to investigate. You will be able to save multiple sets of filters (i.e. scenarios). Any scenario can be set as the default. Query results will provide answer totals, averages, medians, low’s, high’s and quartiles, depending on what might be appropriate for the question. To protect the confidentiality of each participant’s data, queries will return results only when there are at least four companies in the group defined by the filters.
Query Screens Query Result Query Filter
Search Capability The search capability will allow you to quickly target the benchmarking and best practices resources that meet a specific need. Searches will be created using one or more keywords selected from a search definition web page. Searches will return a list of all questions, reports and other VBB resources that match the keywords. Links on the return list will allow you to go directly to an interview question to initiate a query or a report reference to initiate a download. The search is “Google” like, except that only highly relevant responses are returned.
Search Screens Search Result Keyword Select
PeerNet PeerNet is now available online and offers the opportunity for supply chain executives to have 1-on-1 conversations with their peers on topics of mutual interest. You can: Select how you want to be contacted (phone, email or through your Administrative Assistant). Select who can contact you based on job level. Select the topics you would be willing to discuss. Submit queries to search for executives willing to share their ideas and experiences on specific topics. We would encourage you to enroll now.
PeerNet Contact Listing Personal Profile Topic Selection
Topic Forums The Topic Forums are an online tool available to all VBB participants to share ideas and experiences. They are also available to answer VBB support questions. Any valid user can post to the forums. All postings can be viewed by any valid user. New forums can be set up based on any interest area. Today, the Topic Forums are being used primarily for support questions, but they can be expanded to be a much richer resource.
Topic Forums Forum Postings Topic Forums