Gavilan Guided Pathways Update Fall 2017
What are Guided Pathways?
What is Gavilan Doing? Exploratory workshops & events Pathways pilots in CDES & STEM Senate Task Force formed with cross-campus representation
Self-Assessment for State GP Funding Application Inquiry-based process to assess pathways-readiness Open discussions, opportunities for broad participation Contributions from students, staff, faculty, and administration Results discussed through shared governance Final document due 12-23-17
Next Steps Work groups formed through Task Force Broad campus engagement Pathways work plan developed for state grant process (due 3- 30-18) Integration of guided pathways in institutional planning and budgeting processes
Your role? Gavilan is already doing great work! How might you contribute to this effort to help more of our students succeed?
Resources Our Title V Guided Pathways website: CCCCO Pathways Home