Evaluating Teaching Methods on Mental Health and Suicide Cole Borchardt1, Michael Daugherty1, Miranda Staab1, Jeffery Reist2 1University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, PharmD Candidate 2020, 2University of Iowa College of Pharmacy, BS Pharm D, BCPS Results Q1 had a 37% increase Q2 had a 51% increase Q3 had a 55% increase Q4 had a 59% increase Q5 had a 36% increase Q6 had a 58% increase All results were statistically significant Background Suicide has been on the rise in nearly every state Many factors contribute to attempting suicide Little data regarding suicide prevention/teaching methods Pharmacists can be a front line prevention Survey Questions I feel comfortable talking with a suicidal patient in the community pharmacy setting I am aware of mental health resources which could be useful to patients with a mental illness. I am comfortable recommending mental health resources to patients with a mental illness The PharmD program has prepared me to appropriately care for a suicidal patient I am aware of warning signs which may indicate a patient is suicidal I know who to contact or reach out to if I have a patient who is considering suicide Objectives Evaluate teaching methods for effectiveness Determine if learning outcomes are being met Conclusion Overall increased understanding and comfort level with the topics Increased knowledge may come with more experience Further research in this area would be beneficial to improve teaching methods Methods Met with instructors Pre and post surveys Surveys included Likert scale and free response questions Follow up survey Comparative analysis Limitations Students has little prior knowledge on the topic Not all students completed the follow-up survey