The World Between the Wars Chapters 27 & 28 The World Between the Wars
The Mexican Revolution Mexican Dictator Porfirio Diaz resigns in 1911 after nearly 30 years in power. Revolution rages for 6 years as Francisco “Pancho” Villa, Emiliano Zapata, Victoriano Huerta, and Venustiano Carranza fight for power. United States sends troops to Mexico to end Revolution. Carranza becomes President in 1917.
Africa and the Middle East Pan-Africanism spreads – resistance to colonial rule “Africa for Africans” Egypt gains independence in 1922 Turkey and Persia modernize Palestine becomes a growing problem Zionism, and the Balfour Declaration
India Seeks Self Rule Strict British Rule of India Amritsar Massacre Mohandas Gandhi and civil disobedience Preaches nonviolent forms of protest Gandhi leads the Salt March India gains independence after WWII
China & Japan Chinese Civil War - Nationalist fight against Communists Chaing Kai-Shek and Mao Zedong Nationalists force Communists out on the Long March Japan grows economically in WWI Nationalism leads to aggression Japan invades Manchuria & Withdrawals from the League of Nations Japan signs alliance with Germany and Italy – Tripartite Pact (Axis Powers)
Postwar Social Changes The Roaring Twenties – Superficial Prosperity Roles of women change – women liberated (flapper) New Literary Movement Emerges – Modernism Harlem Renaissance New Scientific Theories – Freud’s psychoanalysis, and Einstein’s Theory of Relativity and E=MC^2
Western Democracies Stumble U.S. adopts policy of Isolationism Red Scare 39 Nations sign the Kellogg-Briand Pact renouncing war Similar to League of Nations, there was no way to enforce policies France builds the Maginot Line to protect against Germany Great Depression begins in 1929 Depression has Global Effects France and Britain hit hard Great Depression leads many to seek Socialism and lose faith in Democracy
Fascism in Italy “Believe, Obey, Fight” King Victor Emmanuel III names Benito Mussolini Prime Minister in 1922 Mussolini creates a Fascist government What is Fascism? Strong, Centralized Government The state is more important than the individual Extreme loyalty to the state Basic denial of human rights Mussolini takes control of economy, preserves capitalism A Totalitarian State is formed, similar to Hitler and Stalin
Soviet Union Under Stalin Stalin builds Totalitarian State 5-year plans to build industry Collectivization of Farms – Stalin targets Kulaks, and forces many into Gulags Stalin’s Terror Tactics The Great Purge Stalin pushes propaganda and adopts atheism Soviet Union becomes major industrial and Military power
Hitler and the Rise of the Nazis The Weimar Republic (1919-1933) Great Depression leads to Collapse of Democracy Hitler appointed Chancellor in 1933 and forms the Third Reich Hitler forms a Totalitarian State Gestapo – Secret Police Hitler’s campaign against the Jews Nuremburg Laws & Kristallnacht