Sorsha Mulroe Jennifer Stairs Joan Tellish
Purpose of Project… *Deepen teachers understanding of division, fractions, and decimals. *Train teachers on the use of a Livescribe pen for formative assessment.
Project Description… Participants 13 teachers (Grades 1-5 and GT) 3 Math Support Teachers Location Bryant Woods, Longfellow, Stevens Forest Elementary Schools all located in Columbia, Maryland
Project Description contd… Sessions 2 hours Café style (food + pd = math fun!) 3 on the topic of Division, Fractions, and Decimals Livescribe training and pencast assignments Engaging lessons, NCTM readings, manipulatives
Evaluation… At the end of each session, participants completed an electronic survey using Google Docs.
Our Data…
Teacher Comfort Level with Use of Livescribe Pen
Conclusion Grant provided professional development in three challenging instructional topics in mathematics: Division, Fractions, and Decimals. Teacher content understanding increased in all 3 content areas, however, decimals had highest increase. Increase in teacher capacity to provide feedback to students with use of the Livescribe pen.
Lets hear from the teachers…