PUBLICATIONS PROGRAMME 2005 13 December 2004
Policy lines Guidelines approved by the Eurostat Board Free dissemination of data → Free dissemination implies a fundamental change in Eurostat’s dissemination activities: Access to data should be simplified Publications should become more visible Resources should concentrate on databases and key products (Panoramas, Pocketbooks, SIFs)
Guidelines Keep the publications programme stable (number of titles and production costs) Reduce production delays - Preparatory work - Extraction date Improve the reliability of the planning - Completion rate - Better follow-up
2005 programme Number of titles (by collection) 2002 PSP 2003 PSP Number of planned titles 129 91 54 49 Panorama of the EU 19 20 10 9 Pocketbooks 7 14 Detailed tables 85 52 22 15 Research in official statistics 2 6 5 Eurostat news 11 4 Special brochures (Portrait of the EU, EU agriculture) - 1
2005 programme Dissemination medium 2002 PSP 2003 PSP 2004 PSP Number of planned titles 129 91 54 49 On paper + PDF 67 22 29 On CD/DVD-ROM 25 13 6 4 Combined (paper + CD-ROM) 9 5 PDF only 10 19 Special brochures (paper + PDF) - 1 2
New titles Pocketbook «Candidate Countries and Western Balkan Countries» Pocketbook «Lifelong learning – Education and training in Europe» Pocketbook «Health in Europe» Pocketbook «Tourism statistics» Pocketbook «Food safety statistics» Pocketbook «External and intra-EU trade» Panorama «Tourism statistics yearbook» Special brochure «Facts and figures on the EU agriculture» Detailed table «Rural development statistics» Detailed table «Gas and electricity market statistics»
Special features Title re-launched: «Energy: monthly statistics» (pdf-only) New editions of the following titles: → «Consumers in Europe: Facts and figures» (Panorama) → «Environment statistics (Pocketbook) → «Sustainable development indicators» (Panorama)
Conclusions Constant decrease in the number of titles Some regular titles not included in the programme («European business: Facts and figures», «Population statistics») New titles created to cover subjects not previously treated («Food safety statistics») or to present statistics in a more attractive way («Facts and figures on the EU agriculture») Significant number of titles planned for end of 2005