Monstrous (Working Title) Everyone has a natural talent, but what if for you it’s killing?
What is the presentation about? This is an idea for the film opening that I need to make for my Media Studies AS Level project This is just the first version of this idea and if I feel like going with this one, so will improve it further since a lot of things are still undecided and a lot of stuff can be improved or needs improvement.
Idea There will be a kid, unable to control his rage. He just loses control, a fighter instinct takes over Doesn’t remember the moves he does, just that he destroys the other person Will be forced to fight underground after gangster learns of this
Genre The genre that I was considering for this film was a combination of action, crime-film and probably elements of thriller and mystery
Opening Sequence Plot (part 1) The opening will begin with the shot of a dimly lit pit in the middle of what looks like an arena It will be empty with clear signs that it was occupied a few hours earlier (e.g. food and drinks spilled, garbage etc.) The camera will move down the stairs to the pit and there will be bodies everywhere, with the silhouette of a teenage boy visible A voice-over will begin
Opening Sequence Plot (part 2) The narrator will say, ‘I don’t know why I do it, I don’t know where I learned it, it just came naturally to me I guess, yes, that’s right…….., for as long as I can remember I have always been able to do it, I was always capable of fighting’ We will see that the bodies are pretty messed up, (we will just show a lot of blood and what looks like body pieces and a few bodies, the bodies and parts will be covered in bloody clothes, making it easier to make them look real without a lot of editing, no close-ups will be shown as they can give it away)
Opening Sequence Plot (part 3) While the extent of violence is being shown, we will hear sirens in the distant and the boy will give a chuckle, the narrator will then say, “I used to warn everyone not to make me unleash the monster, I told them I could kill them if I wanted to but they always mocked me in return. I controlled myself for years, 5 to 6 years I controlled my urges but the mockery only increased. They tried to bully me, at first I fought back like weak people but then I started defeating the bullies and soon, everyone knew they can’t bully me. I thought they would back off now, but they just started harassing me instead and took advantage of my ‘sweet nature’ So I killed them”
Opening Sequence Plot (part 4) ‘That was the first time I let the monster lose, I had to go to hiding and was taken in by a gang who got impressed by my skills after I killed a few of their men who tried to steal my money. That was the first time I came here” (During the voice-over, the kid would have gotten tired and will move to a nearby wall and sit down, as if waiting for something) Police cars will arrive outside, we will be shown the lights of one car and it will be established its night time. Cops will arrive and he will turn to them, face still not visible. They will say the typical lines like hands behind your head, the rights and all etc. He will speak, ‘arrest me officers but don’t intimidate me, that is a request’
Opening Sequence Plot (part 5) The seen will cut to that of a road with police cars and two officers bringing the kid with cuffs, and in that moment, two other cops will mock the kid, ‘don’t intimidate me’ they will say in a girly voice and make fun of him, he will clench his fists, relax them, smile and say, here we go again. He will get lose from the two cops and as he punches one of the cops, the screen will turn black and the title will appear. It is possible that instead of the voice-over or with the voice-over I might use flashbacks in montage to make it more interesting
Characters The only main character in the opening will be the teenager Other characters used in the opening will be the cops
Sound A slow dramatic music will be played in the background, which will give the feeling of tragedy and near the end of the opening, when the cops will be start mocking the kid, the music will change to a fast- paced thriller music which will suggest to the audience that something (badass) is going to take place Voice over will be used And dialogues will be present, just a few lines by the cops and only two lines by the teenager, one in each location
Credits This opening will only include the names of the production houses, the director, producer and main cast. The production company’s name will come when the camera is going down the stairs and the main cast will appear after that The producers and directors name will be shown when the police cars arrive The title of the film will appear when the screen goes black at the end of the opening scene.
Idea By, Basil Faisal