Principals Session: Introduction to NTI Goals and Session Framework for Principals
Purpose of this Session Participants will be able to effectively use provided materials and protocols to individualize their NTI experience in order to meet their personal learning needs. Participants will analyze their leadership preparedness and current teacher capacity levels to implement CCSS aligned instruction to ensure higher levels of student growth. Participants will be able to understand and apply key design considerations to support principals professional growth and school implementation of CCSS.
Welcome Introduce yourselves: name, school, role Discuss: What do the following groups of people need to do to ensure that the CCSS are implemented with fidelity: Teachers NTI Members/Coaches Principals Others
CCSS and Change Process As a School Leader, where do you find yourself on the preparedness continuum? Communicating the Need Supporting Individual Change Integrating Practices into the Organization
Building Capacity for the Work: Levels of Engagement AwarenessApplication and ExperimentationOwnershipAdvocacy and Innovation
Building Capacity for the Work Levels of engagement: Awareness Individuals know the shifts and understand the impact the standards have on their work in ELA classrooms. Application and Experimentation Individuals are attempting to try out Common Core strategies and/or resources in ELA classrooms.
Building Capacity for the Work Levels of Engagement: Ownership Individuals are able to judge available resources and apply their understanding to making their own decisions about integrating the standards into their practice in ELA classrooms. Advocacy and Innovation Individuals are able to support the development of their colleagues and/or they go beyond judging resources to actually creating tools and resources in the ELA department.
Discuss at your table… How will this overview of capacity levels of engagement frame your learning throughout the NTI session? As a school leader, what role will you play in developing the framework for building capacity of your ELA teachers? How can this institute meet your needs and help you become a more effective ELA instructional leader?
Debriefing Principal Session 1 World Café Protocol The orientation of the Café is toward contribution. It starts with somebody giving something. The purpose of the Café is not to criticize, but to contribute. In the Café you dont have to perform, only contribute. When you contribute, the knowledge grows.
World Café at a Glance Three progressive rounds of conversation with each round addressing one question. At the end of each round, participants are invited to move to a different table. New question discussed while linking and connecting ideas with previous conversation rounds. Before getting started, each table needs to identify a table host (not a facilitator) who remains at the table during the three conversation rounds.
Debriefing Principal Session 1 Table 1 Question: What did I hear during the session that was a new idea or concept that helps me understand CCSS ELA instruction? Table 2 Question: How do these new modules compare or contrast with ELA curriculum materials currently being used in my school? Table 3 Question: What questions do I have after attending the session that will deepen my understanding of CCSS aligned ELA instruction?
Introduction- Writing Session Teacher Session Learning Template Identify focus areas to target your attention Record key ideas presented in session Formulate questions for further understanding
Planning for Action Action Planning Template Session Big Ideas What are the most important points made in the NTI sessions that need to be addressed at my school? Action Steps What are the logical next steps I need to take to bring about the needed change? Involving Others Who will I share this with or engage in planning?
Q & A
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