DNA Testing – Experts – Daubert Standard “relevant and reliable” 11/01/10 RJM - Sci Ev Seminar - Fall 2010
RJM - Sci Ev Seminar - Fall 2010 Today’s Agenda Simulation Projects: Where you are and why. 20 minutes per team for presentation 10 minutes per team for class discussion Order of presentations today: ZZLL 5, WWJD 6,035,015 DKTS JMNJ Except for ZZLL, all teams must schedule at least one more meeting with me. 11/01/10 RJM - Sci Ev Seminar - Fall 2010
RJM - Sci Ev Seminar - Fall 2010 Reading a Patent Remember, in a variation on famous words from 1992: IT’S THE _______ STUPID. CLAIM 11/01/10 RJM - Sci Ev Seminar - Fall 2010
Simulations – TEAMS. HTM rev 7 11/01/10 RJM - Sci Ev Seminar - Fall 2010
Simulations – SIMULAS. HTM rev 1 11/01/10 RJM - Sci Ev Seminar - Fall 2010
RJM - Sci Ev Seminar - Fall 2010 Next Week Q&A about legal issues Q&A about simulations and critique assignments 11/01/10 RJM - Sci Ev Seminar - Fall 2010