Back to School Night 2nd GradE Teachers: Mr. Lantow (room 17) Mrs. Cordova (room 16) Ms. Saenz (room 15) While you wait, please take this time to: Email your child’s teacher (if you haven’t done so already). Please include: your child’s first and last name parents’ names additional email addresses, phone numbers, etc. your interest in volunteering (copying, clerical, reading with students, etc.) Subscribe to your our classroom webpage Visit Click: About Us > Staff Directory > Mr. Lantow > Subscribe EXAMPLE
Vejar Information Morning Drop Off School Starts at 8:15 am No Student Supervision before 8:00 am After School Pick Up Dismissal 2:40 pm Tuesday Early Out 1:25 pm Minimum Days 12:00 pm Safety Students wait by the tree Use crosswalk Follow traffic patterns Pull all the way forward
Please email your child’s teacher for more information. Community Club You are already a member! Fundraisers: Round-up, Gift Cards, Jog-a-thon $30,000 budget used for: Field trips Meet the Masters Art Program Technology Classroom materials Library books and more! Want to help? We need YOU! Please email your child’s teacher for more information.
Classroom Volunteers HELP WANTED! (Forms in office) Classroom Help Copying, Organizing, Prepping Small Group or one-on-one Fieldtrip Volunteers Class Parties Planning and coordinating Volunteer forms available in the office.
Other volunteer opportunities Office helper: make copies, file papers Library helper: check out books, repairs, shelving books Vejar Community Club School Site Council Serves as the governing body for the school Reviews student achievement data Works with school staff to develop school plan Ongoing review of program effectiveness Reviews site budgets Gives parent input to school staff Serve 2 year terms Elected by peers
Food and Wellness Policy Please only send nutritional foods for your child for lunch and snack time. Snack time is from 9:45 – 9:55 Students MAY NOT share food Allergies NO NUTS! Birthdays: NO FOOD/SNACKS Goodie bags with pencils, erasers, stickers (etc.) permissible with teacher approval beforehand.
Clothing PE every Thursday: Wear comfortable shoes and socks Closed-toe shoes Light Sweater/Jacket to keep warm in the classroom Label EVERYTHING
School-Wide Behavior Plan Vejar Values BE SAFE ~ BE RESPECTFUL ~ BE RESPONSIBLE Tokens used for incentives What can I do at home to help? Show gratitude Set high expectations Speak positivity
PARENT SIGNATURE EXPECTED EVERY DAY Classroom Behavior Examples of Rewards Verbal Praise, Tokens, Table Points, Compliments Examples of Consequences Verbal reminders, time-out, loss of recess, contact parents, office How am I doing today? BEHAVIOR CHART & FORM GREEN: Great Day YELLOW: 1st Warning ORANGE: 10 minute time-out with parent signature RED: Loss of recess and immediate parent contact by phone or email. PARENT SIGNATURE EXPECTED EVERY DAY
GENERAL Class Schedule* 8:00 – 8:15 Arrival 8:15 – 8:30 Class Begins 8:30 – 9:45 Language Arts / Library 9:45 – 10:00 Snack/Recess 10:00 – 10:30 L/A (continued) 11:30 – 11:50 Math 11:50-12:35 Lunch ($3.00 school lunch) 12:35 – 2:40 Social Studies, Science, PE, Computer Lab 2:40 Dismissal (Tuesdays 1:25) *Computer Lab, Library, and Music times will be included in weekly schedule.
Homework Homework is … Math Spelling Reading Additionally: Students are expected to read 20 minutes everyday. This includes independent reading, reading to your child, and read with your child. Additionally: assigned Monday - Thursday reflects what is done in class designed for students to be able to complete independently Parent Homework: please sign “How am I doing?” form daily Online assignments will also be available (ST Math) as needed.
*EOY = End of School Year ST Math Students are given ample time to complete 3% progress each school week. The goal is for students to complete 10% syllabus progress each month. Mr. Lantow will open new levels for HW as the school year progresses. Students must log-out correctly in order for their homework to be credited. Monthly ST Math Goals: 3% week ≈ 10% month SEP 1 = 10% FEB 1 = 60% OCT 1 = 20% MAR 1 = 70% NOV 1 = 30% APR 1 = 80% DEC 1 = 40% MAY 1 = 90% JAN 1 = 50% EOY* = 100% *EOY = End of School Year
Academics Report Card Grades Based on Developmental Levels Title I 5 = Exceeds 4 = Above Average 3 = Average 2 = Below Average 1 = Unsatisfactory Title I A student who is currently performing 6 months or more below average grade-level performance in reading, writing, and/or math. SST A meeting held after school with a group of teachers to collaborate strategies to improve student success in academics and/or behavior.
Scholastic Reading club Access to books The Price is Right! Earns Classroom Points: More supplies and books for the classroom How to Order: Go to: SCHOLASTIC.COM Mr. Lantow’s Class Code: GNRWN Paper catalog orders accepted in class Please use the order form on the back of the fliers checks only please – I cannot mail cash Classroom orders are submitted on the first Friday (Spirit Day) of each month.
Communication Email is best! … Email me or send a written note including your phone number and a good time to call you back. I apologize, it is very difficult for me to see and respond to voicemail. Parent Conferences will be scheduled October thru November. Additional conferences/meetings can be scheduled as needed
Questions? Now, … on to the website!