Data collection on organic crop production - the Czech experience Task Force „Organic Farming Statistics“, Luxembourg / 4 – 5 May 2009 Data collection on organic crop production - the Czech experience Andrea Hrabalová, Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information (ÚZEI), Czech Republic
Milestones of OF development 1990 Subsidies for OF, based on investments approach, were provided by the MoA, available until 1992 1993 “Methodological Instruction of the MoA for Organic Farming No. 655/93-340” became effective as a first national directive, inspection and certification system was established and state label “BIO – Organic Farming Product” was introduced 1998 Renewal of state support for OF within agri-environment programmes 2001 Act No. 242/2000 on Organic Farming came into force and the MoA entrusted KEZ o.p.s. with inspection and certification 2003 Action plan for OF was approved by the MoA and by the Government in 2004 2004 State support for OF was implemented as a part of AEP within HRDP 2006 Two new control bodies started to operate in CZ: ABCert AG and Biokont CZ 2007 “Organic Farming and Organic Food Program” (followed on AP) was approved by the Government and launched in 2008
Development of organic farming in the Czech Republic (1990-2008)
Data collection on organic production – control bodies Certification for particular amount of organic production of particular crops/ livestock products (used till 2005) Certification only of farm without specification of particular crops/ animals and produced amounts (till 2008) Certification of particular crops / animals without specification of produced amounts (current praxes) Certification of groups of crops without specification of produced amounts (possibility available since 2009) An estimation of organic production (in tons) is provided for Eurostat in particular year.
Data collection on organic production – Eurostat requirements Production data available since 2003: till 2005 only one control body (KEZ) existed since 2006 ÚZEI has collected data from 3 control bodies Process of data collection: till 2005 MoA supported the control body (KEZ) to provide these data and other services since 2006 ÚZEI is responsible to collect needed data within budget provided by MoA (i.e. pay to control bodies agreed amount per one questionnaire) Data are collected from all (100%) organic farms Collected production data represent estimations (provided by control body at the time of obligatory annual check on farm)
Weaknesses of data collection on organic production Production data are based on estimations (are collected during whole the year and real data are check by control body next year) Data present certified amount of production but tell nothing about amount really sold as organic (with logo) Since certification of crop/ livestock production is voluntary (market development impact), the certified amounts do not represent whole bio-potential (e.g. organic farm can certify only two of all its crops)
Data collection on organic production – current solutions Crop production – estimation of „BIO“ production only from fully converted areas (we cover production which was certificated based on farmers request and has a potential to be sold as organic with logo) We added: Estimation of share (%) in the „BIO“ production potential really sold as organic New tables for marketing contain the evidence of real production and amount sold as organic (investigated backward)
Some detailed questions – crop production How to solve vegetable production evidence in the case of more crops grown on one field per year (only crop at the time of control or all crops during the year incl. green manure)? How to file the production inside the orchards (mainly potatoes and vegetable)? How to classify particular crops between Fruit and Berries (e.g. rowan tree, raspberry, shadbush etc.)? How to solve national classification (e.g. celery is mostly grown as root and minimally as stalk…)? How to include specific widespread crops in set categories (e.g. pumpkins…)?
Some general questions How to solve data collection if number of organic farms increases rapidly? (budget limit): Data collection set as statutory duty for control bodies, Data collection based only on sample How to simplify the data collection as much as possible? (common database, others…to use best practices) Is available any Eurostat methodology containing definition of particular categories (e.g. Perennial green fodder x Temporary grasses; Rough grazing; Fallow land etc.)?
Thank you for your attention I would appreciate your comments and suggestions: Contact: Andrea Hrabalová Institute of Agricultural Economics and Information Agri-environmental policy, Czech Republic Tel: +420 541 211 487 Fax: +420 541 211 321 Mail: