The Intent and Evolution of the NAAec-cec 23 years on Professor John Kirton Director, Global Governance Program Munk School of Global Affairs University of Toronto @jjkirton Presentation on “Roundtable 1 – The roles of the NAAEC and of the CEC: original intent and evolution over the last 23 years,” for the forum on “NAFTA’s Environmental Side Agreement: Assessing the past, Looking Towards the Future,” sponsored by the Joint Public Advisory Committee, Commission for Environmental Cooperation, Chicago, November 9, 2017.
Key questions Rationale Principles and elements Evolving priorities and cooperation
rationale Race to the bottom Ecological community first Political conditions for a post-CUFTA Canada Canada’s six goals
Principles and elements Enhancement Cooperation Trilateral Environmental Organization Council Secretariat JPAC
CEC priorities Climate Change Green Growth Sustainable Communities/Ecosystems for Human Health Accountability
Trilateral environmental cooperation Inward Kirton to 2010 Outward Bilateral FTA, Arctic Council, G7 Environment Ministers Upward North American to Global Summitry
Thank you Professor John Kirton Director, Global Governance Program Munk School of Global Affairs University of Toronto @jjkirton