Patient Assessment Percussion LOG # 6
Percussion “Tapping” the chest wall to assess density of underlying tissue Assess note and volume
Normal vs. Abnormal Normal Resonant Loud and low in pitch Long in duration Air-containing organ
Normal vs. Abnormal cont. Hyperresonant Very loud, low in pitch, and long in duration air therefore density Any condition that causes hyperinflation increases resonance! E.g. pneumothorax, asthma
Normal vs. Abnormal cont. Flat or dull Opposite of normal resonance High pitch, not loud and short in duration Any abnormality that ’s density of lung tissue ’s resonance E.g. consolidation, pneumonia
Percussion Procedure 1. Middle finger on chest 2. Tip of middle finger on other hand taps with short quick blows 3. Tapping from wrist only, not elbow or shoulder 4. Change positions t/o chest 5. Compare
Diaphragmatic Excursion Best assessed on posterior chest Normal excursion = 5 - 7 cm Ask pt. to inhale and percuss lower lung field until percussion note changes Repeat procedure on exhalation