Greek City-States
The most powerful city-state was Sparta, which needed more land. To get land, they defeated nearby areas. The conquered people (helots) were forced to work for the Spartans.
To maintain power over the helots, Sparta created a military state. Boys began military training at age seven. From ages 20 to 60, all Spartan males served in the army.
The Spartan government was an oligarchy, led by two kings who led the Spartan army. An elite citizens’ assembly voted on political issues introduced by the kings, but debate in the assembly was not allowed.
Women’s education was as brutal as men’s, including harsh physical training. Spartan women were expected to manage their husbands’ property and guard it against invaders.
Spartan women were expected to produce strong and healthy children. Babies who displayed any sign of weakness were left to die.
ATHENS In the 7th century BC, Athens was an oligarchy of aristocrats. Many Athenian farmers were sold into slavery for nonpayment of their debts to aristocrats.
To avoid civil war in 594 BC, aristocrats gave power to Solon, a reformer who cancelled debts to help unite farmers and aristocrats.
The council was chosen at random from all male citizens In 512 BC, Cleisthenes gained control and created a council of 500 to supervise foreign affairs, oversee the treasury, and propose laws. The council was chosen at random from all male citizens and had final authority to pass laws after free and open debate. This laid the foundation for Athenian democracy.
Writing Assignment First, imagine you were an man living in Ancient Greece. Would you rather live in Sparta or Athens? Why? Now, imagine you were a woman living in Ancient Greece. Would you rather live in Sparta or Athens? Why?