Welcome to Mr. Cripps’ Social Sciences Informational Site.
In 7th Grade Social Sciences we cover United States history from the first Native Americans to the start of the Civil War. In 8th grade we will cover everything from the Civil War to today.
Here is my web site home page Here is my web site home page. There is a tremendous amount of useful information there. The information here changes as the year goes on. Just click on a category to go to that link.
I send out reminder emails every so often to people who have an email account through School Tools. I will notify you about upcoming assessments and projects. You can email me if you have further questions.
My homework link tells what the homework is and almost all homework assignments (other than vocabulary) can be downloaded from this page.
All vocabulary sheets as well as review powerpoints are located at my vocabulary link.
My notes link has all notes sheets given out in class as well as the notebook number and the date the notes were given.
This is the homework board This is the homework board. Every Monday the homework for the week will be on the board. You can start most assignments early if you want to. I give multiple days for most assignments which makes it easier for kids involved in sports and activities.
Monday average sheets – I will give students a sheet like this every Monday to tell them their average and what assignments they know.
You owe me – this sheet will be on the front board. I update it daily You owe me – this sheet will be on the front board. I update it daily. Students can check to see what they owe.
This is the homework box This is the homework box. When I collect homework in class this is where students put it.
If students are turning in homework at any time other than the beginning of class then it needs to go into this gray organizer. It is on my counter under the television.
Sometimes students forget to put their name on their paper Sometimes students forget to put their name on their paper. When this happens, I put the assignments here. Students need to put their name on the paper and turn it back in so I can give them credit.
Much of my class is interactive Much of my class is interactive. Students are constantly using the Smartboard.
Every day an announcements page will be on the Smartboard when students enter the classroom.
Almost every day we start off with 2 minutes of studying past notes Almost every day we start off with 2 minutes of studying past notes. I will tell students what to study.
The studying will be followed by 5 multiple choice questions The studying will be followed by 5 multiple choice questions. We usually make it into some type of contest.
Each quarter I give a responsible student grade. It is worth 20 points Each quarter I give a responsible student grade. It is worth 20 points. Each time they don’t pick up after themselves or come unprepared (no pen, book, binder) they lose 5 points from this grade.
I keep extra copies of all work in the folders on this table by the door. They are also available at my website.
I keep a binder that shows what their binder should look like I keep a binder that shows what their binder should look like. Students can use this before school, after school or in study halls to keep yourself organized.
The Student of the Week and students who do great on tests and quizzes are posted on my front bulletin board. The Student of the Week is also posted on my website.
Every month I pick a Student of the Month for each class Every month I pick a Student of the Month for each class. They get a certificate and their names are posted in my room and on my website.
Please feel free to email me with any questions Please feel free to email me with any questions. During the summer I check my school email occasionally so I’ll get back to you as soon as possible.