CAP post-2020 state of play Caroline Pottier Head agriculture sector– Land use and management unit DG Environment European Commission 1 March 2018
CAP post-2020 – societal demand CAP public consultation - (the second biggest consultation ever after the Nature REFIT) : The 322 000 contributions included a major mobilisation by environmental NGOs and some national campaigns led by farmers' organisations That the CAP should deliver more environmental and climate was agreed by 92% of non-farmers and interestingly by 62% of the farmers. According to the respondents, the biggest environmental challenge is biodiversity (21%), followed by soil degradation (19%), the use of pesticides and fertilisers (18%) and the erosion of genetic resources (16%).
CAP post-2020 – what the Commission has already agreed on MFF Communication of 14.2.2018 (COM(2018) 98): "A modernised Common Agricultural Policy will need to support the transition towards a fully sustainable agricultural sector and the development of vibrant rural areas. A modernised Common Agricultural Policy must enhance its European added value by reflecting a higher level of environmental and climate ambition and addressing citizens' expectations for their health, the environment and the climate.
CAP post-2020 – what the Commission has already agreed on COMMUNICATION "THE FUTURE OF FOOD AND FARMING"(COM(2017)713 final, of 29.11.2017) "The Common Agricultural Policy (CAP) should … lead a transition towards a more sustainable agriculture" (page 4) ".. a modernised CAP should enhance its EU added value by reflecting a higher level of environmental and climate ambition, and address citizens' concerns regarding sustainable agricultural production." (page 7) Result-driven policy design including the development and application of solid and measurable indicators and of a credible performance monitoring and reporting" (page 10)
CAP post-2020 – what the Commission has already agreed on COMMUNICATION "THE FUTURE OF FOOD AND FARMING"(COM(2017)713 final, of 29.11.2017) "Any new CAP should reflect higher ambition and focus more on results as regards resource efficiency, environmental care and climate action." (page 18) "When preparing CAP strategic plans, the Member States will take into account their planning tools adopted emanating from EU environmental and climate legislation and policies. [Such as the Management Plans and Prioritised Action Frameworks for Natura 2000, River Basin Management Plan, Air Quality and Air Pollution Programmes, Biodiversity Strategies.]
Result-oriented policy implementation Need to be clear on what we want to achieve at EU level = specific environmental objectives Payments to depend on results. Importance of the evaluation of performance. Key issues: environmental targets according to environmental legislations and policies . linking expenditure to environmental result indicators
CAP strategic plans MS planning according to environmental environmental planning tools. Environmental challenges, needs, and types of intervention already defined in RBMPs or other tools not to be re-invented. Need for environmental safeguards, at least level of the current CAP. Introduction of environmentally harmful subsidies excluded (EU Treaty principles of preventive action)
Green architecture of the new delivery model Reinforced cross-compliance? Voluntary commitments? Mandatory practices?
Conclusion The CAP cannot scale down its environmental ambition and performance for the sake of simplification or pragmatism. Important that agricultural managing authorities and environmental authorities work hand in hand Earmarking aspect will be crucial. Cr Hogan has called MS for quick preparation of CAP strategic plans (because of link with 1st pillar): need for environment to be involved at all levels.
Thank you for your attention !