Geography Handbook Notes Pre-AP Geography
Globes What is a Globe? A globe is a round model of the Earth that shows its shape, lands, and directions as they truly relate to one another. Advantages of using globes Actual representation of the real earth Represent true land shape, distances, and directions Disadvantages of using globes Cannot show detailed information Difficult to carry
Maps What is a map? A map is a flat drawing of all or part of the Earth’s surface. Cartographers, or mapmakers, use mathematical formulas to transfer information from the round globe to a flat map. Advantages of using maps Show small areas in great detail Display different types of information such as population densities or natural resources Transport easily
Maps continued……… Disadvantages of maps Distort, or change, the accuracy of shapes and distances The Earth is NOT flat!
Earth Divided Earth is divided into 4 Hemispheres What are hemispheres? Hemi in Greek means “half’ Sphere is a round, solid figure So a hemisphere is half of a round, solid figure Equator measures 0 degrees Divides the Earth into Northern & Southern Hemispheres Everything North of the Equator is in the Northern Hemisphere Everything South of the Equator is in the Southern Hemisphere
Earth divided continued…….. Prime Meridian measures 0 degrees Runs through Greenwich, England Divides the Earth into Eastern & Western Hemispheres Everything east of the Prime Meridian is in the Eastern Hemisphere Everything west of the Prime Meridian is in the Western Hemisphere
Lat and Long When determining which directions the Equator and Prime Meridian run Think of a compass The Equator Runs east and west BUT Determines if something is in the Northern Hemisphere of the Southern Hemisphere Measures North or South The Prime Meridian Runs north and south Determines if something is in the Eastern Hemisphere or the Western Hemisphere Measures East or West
Location (Latitude) To locate places on Earth, geographers use a system of imaginary lines that crisscross the globe. Called latitude and longitude Latitude These lines are imaginary circles that run east to west around the globe. Known as parallels Divide the globe into units called degrees Run in an east and west direction Equator Circles the middle of the Earth like a belt Located halfway between the North and South Poles The Equator measures 0° latitude When finding latitude, N or S will follow the latitude coordinate Because anything North of the equator is in the Northern Hemisphere Anything South of the equator is in the Southern Hemisphere
Latitude continued…… Latitude For example: The North Pole is 90°N (north) latitude and the South Pole is 90°S (south) latitude. The Equator measures 0° because it is exactly in the middle of the two poles (North & South) Imagine you could draw a line from the North Pole into the center of Earth and rom the center straight to the surface. The lines would form a 90° angle. That’s why the North Pole has the latitude 90°N and the South Pole has the latitude 90°S A line from the center of Earth to Washington, D.C., would form an angle of about 38°, which is why the latitude of Washington, D.C., is 38°
Latitude Important Latitude lines to remember: North Pole measures 90°N Arctic Circle measures 66.5°N Tropic of Cancer measures 23.5°N Equator 0° Tropic of Capricorn measures 23.5°S Antarctic Circle measures 66.5°S South Pole measures 90°S
Latitude H A F A ______________________ B ______________________ D C _____________________ D______________________ E ______________________ F ______________________ G _____________________ H _____________________ J ______________________ K ______________________ D 10° J C 10° E G B K
Longitude Lines of longitude—run from the North Pole to the South Pole Also known as meridians Divide the globe into units called degrees Prime Meridian (also called the Meridian of Greenwich) Measures 0° longitude Runs through Greenwich, England Circles the middle of the Earth Runs through both the North Pole and the South Pole When finding longitude, E or W will follow the longitude coordinate Because anything East of the Prime Meridian is in the Eastern Hemisphere Anything West of the Prime Meridian is in the Western Hemisphere
Longitude Antimeridian measures 180 degrees Opposite the Prime Meridian This antemeridian is also known as the International Date Line The Earth can be divided into 360° Each degree is a line of longitude There are 180° to the east of the Prime Meridian And 180° to the west of the Prime Meridian Lines of Longitude are closest together near the poles and farthest apart at the equator
Longitude Important Latitude lines to remember: Prime Meridian 0° International Date Line measures 180° Antimeridian (opposite the Prime Meridian)
Longitude A C B
Longitude F B G K D E 0° 30° 30° C H A J A _______________________
Latitude and Longitude together Finding locations ALWAYS FIND LATITUDE OF A POINT FIRST 1st step – Locate equator Then ask the following question: Is the point north or south of the equator? If it is North of the equator, then it is in the Northern Hemisphere If it is South of the equator, then it is in the Southern Hemisphere 2nd step Determine what latitude line the point is located on or near 3rd step Write that coordinate down with its label N or S 4th step – Locate Prime Meridian Then ask the following question: Is the point east or west of the Prime Meridian? If it is East of the P.M., then it is in the Eastern Hemisphere If it is West of the P.M., then it is in the Western Hemisphere 5th step Write that coordinate down behind the latitude coordinate with its label E or W Example: 60°N – 75°E This tells me that the point I am looking for is on the 60° latitude line north of the equator and the 75° longitude line east of the Prime Meridian
Finding degrees between When finding degrees between latitude points, use the following steps: 1st – Look at the hemisphere of both coordinates If both latitudes are located in the same hemisphere You will subtract the coordinates Example #1: How many degrees of latitude between 65°N and 90°N? They are both in the Northern Hemisphere so you would subtract 90 – 65 = 25° of latitude between those two latitude lines Example #2: How many degrees of longitude between 175°E and 62°E? They are both in the Eastern Hemisphere so you would subtract 175 – 62 = 113° between those two longitude lines
Finding degrees between continued… If the latitudes are located in different hemispheres You will add the coordinates together Example #3: How many degrees of longitude between 123°E and 74°W? Both coordinates are located in different hemispheres so you would add them together 123 + 74 = 197° between those two longitude lines Example #4: How many degrees of latitude between 81°N and 26°S? Both latitude lines are located in different hemispheres so you would add them together 81 + 26 = 107° between those two longitude lines
Degrees between practice Find the degrees between the following latitude and longitude lines: 90°N and 90°S 115°E and 124°E 67°W and 134°E 58°S and 8°S 12°W and 168°W 99°E and 99°W 0° and 123°E 0° and 65°S 79°N and 78°N 106°W and 25°E