Summarise Check your working. What are you trying to find out? your work to answer the question. Check your working. Do your answers seem sensible? Break the working down into steps What are you trying to find out? Identify what you have been given- keywords/numbers/formula etc Blooming Solve problems - QWC
Summarise Check your working. What are you trying to find out? your work to answer the question. Check your working. Do your answers seem sensible? Break the working down into steps What maths do I know that can help me? What are you trying to find out? Poster/flow chart Not sure Identify what you have been given- keywords/numbers/formula etc Read the question again
Solve problems – QWC – writing frame for students Summarise your work to answer the question. Check your working. Do your answers seem sensible? Break the working down into steps What are you trying to find out? Identify what you have been given- keywords/numbers/formula etc Solve problems – QWC – writing frame for students