Mrs. Lewis’ 4th Grade Back to School Night 2017-2018
Specials for 2015-2016 Library PE Computer Lab Guidance Dreambox Music Running Club Chorus- Thursday PE Guidance Music Art SEARCH
Classroom Expectations Respectful On-Task Acting Safely Responsible
Classroom Management Students are required to follow the Classroom Expectations and will be rewarded when they do. Students are aware of the consequences if they fail to follow the Classroom Expectations: First Warning-verbal Second Warning-consequence related to the behavior Third Time-phone call home- made by the student.
Parent Expectations Please look over your child’s agenda daily. Call the main office or write a note for dismissal changes please. Emails will be returned or replied to within 48 hours (weekends excluded). Lunch money should be in an envelope with the students name and lunch number.
Homework You will find your child’s homework assignments in their agenda every day. Homework is given Monday-Thursday, occasionally on Fridays. Homework is not taken for a grade, but is counted towards the learning objectives found on the report card.
First Nine Weeks Reading English/Spelling Fiction and Nonfiction Comprehension Reading Strategies and Skills through Mini- Lessons Expanding Vocabulary Wordly Wise English/Spelling Pre-Writing Strategies Revision/Editing for grammar, capitalization, punctutation, spelling, sentence structure, and paragraphing Personal Narratives and Poetry
First Nine Weeks (continued) Math Number Sense Computation Place Value Patterns Elapsed Time VA Studies Virginia’s Five Regions Native Americans Jamestown and Colonial VA American Revolution Constitution and Branches of VA’s Government Civil War and Reconstruction 20th and 21st Century VA
First Nine Weeks (continued) Science Scientific Investigation Virginia’s Natural Resources Solar System Technology Student Safe Websites/ Internet Safety Word processing Computer Lab, Neo’s, and laptops
Assessments Assessments are given continually throughout the year. Formative assessments are informal and count towards the learning targets. Summative assessments are formal tests and count towards the subject grade. We also use different programs to measure your child’s growth throughout the year: AIMS, DRA, etc.
Grading Scale Progress Indicators 4= Exceeds Standards 3= Meets Standards 2= Progressing Towards Standards 1= Below Standard Grading Key A= Outstanding B= Very Good C= Satisfactory D= Needs Improvement F= Not Performing
Upcoming Events Volunteer Training- September 26 (9:00-10:00am) Camp Flintlock- September 30 (7:30-1:45) Fall Student Pictures- October 15 Fall Festival- October 26
** Sign Up for November Conferences Room Parent Copy Parent **
It is critical that we have a positive relationship and support each other whether at home or in the classroom. Please don’t hesitate to contact me with questions, comments, or concerns. Contact Information: Mrs. Lisa Lewis 703-957-4390
For attending Back to School Night!!! Thank you for attending Back to School Night 2012-2013!!! For attending Back to School Night!!!