Chapter 5 The need to get water out of the boat


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Presentation transcript:

Chapter 5 The need to get water out of the boat A Beautiful Mess The need to get water out of the boat The need to get sin out of the church

Chapter 6 2 other issues Mentioned in a letter from the church A Beautiful Mess 2 other issues Mentioned in a letter from the church How we can keep water out of the boat!

How to keep water out of the boat! A Beautiful Mess How to keep water out of the boat! 1 Corinthians 6

Chapter 6 The Problem Paul’s Prescription (instruction) A Beautiful Mess The Problem Paul’s Prescription (instruction) Personal Application

What is the problem? A Beautiful Mess Believers, members of the church, were taking one another to court. The very fact that they were suing one another meant that they had failed spiritually already. Sexual immorality.

Paul’s Prescription A Beautiful Mess Surely, there are wise enough people, people with the necessary skills in the church to help you resolve these issues? Stop being like the world. Follow the teachings and example of Jesus. You are not like you used to be, you are no longer like the world around you!

Paul’s Prescription Your body is important to God. A Beautiful Mess Your body is important to God. Stop being like the world. You are not like you used to be, you are no longer like the world around you! You have been washed, sanctified and justified, in Christ by God’s Holy Spirit. You are no longer your own. You have been bought with a great price. You can no longer live for yourself but you should long to honour or glorify God with the way you live your life and with your physical bodies.

Personal Application How do we stop water getting into the boat? A Beautiful Mess How do we stop water getting into the boat? By living our lives totally differently to world. We are surrounded by the world. As believers we must no longer conform to the pattern of this world around us. We must live our lives according to God’s principles and God’s ways.

Personal Application A Beautiful Mess The issue of sexual immorality is a huge problem today. We are saints. God has paid a high price to set us completely free from sin. We must not use our bodies to satisfy our selfish, sinful desires. We must use our bodies to honour and glorify God.