ARCH 501 / INAR INTERDISCIPLINARY WORKSHOP Uğur Ulaş Dağlı; Özlem Olgaç Türker Samira Forouzmand Saloumeh Kahouei
Questions: what kind of things cause differences between restaurants and cafés that located in old and new development areas? Can they reflect identity and culture of Cyprus? Aim: Analyze café and restaurants in old city and compering them with new development areas Survey cultural transition in restaurant and café in Nicosia Study the role of identity in this buildings Keywords: Identity Cultural translation Social life
Introduction topic Café & restaurants in old city Identity Social life Café & restaurants in new development area Identity Social life Comparing two parts Cultural translation Conclusion Visual analysis Physical analysis Visual analysis Physical analysis
Restaurant and café in history The restaurant less than 220 years old the 18th century only men allowed to go to restaurant only one dish was offered each day The first real restaurant offering a menu with a choice of dishes opened in Paris in Type of restaurant Fast food Fast Casual Casual dining Family style Fine dining
Nicosia is a walled city which is unique in having successive cultural layers of Byzantine, Frankish, Venetian, Ottoman, British and post- British periods. Nicosia started expanded rapidly after the World War II Nowadays the medieval walls represent a border dividing the city into the historical center and the modern areas which has been built beyond. The center of the city is the liveliest part of the city crossed by narrow streets, shops, cafes and restaurants. It can be seen different type of restaurants, café and bar within the walled city which is built in historical buildings. However,outside of the historical city most of the restaurants and cafes built in modern buildings such as Ezic,Califorian, …
Visual analysis o Sky line harmony and continuity one or two stories o Façade o Connection with environment: o Same language o they try to keep the harmony of the culture of the city o Defined boundary : o there is no definition for boundary –permeability o Same level o Less privacy large windows material Yellow stone and glass(traditional) Color Keeping the traditional style in color Shading new elements to old buildings
Physical analysis o Buildings : Using old buildings and renovating them for new function Changing a plan for needs of today Adding some new part New buildings which have harmony with old one o Buildings –streets: Human scale: mostly they respect to the old existing buildings in scale small Connecting to pedestrian They are more active o Space: Reflecting the culture and identity of the city There are more active and create lively space o Building - space: They reflect the traditional architecture of the city o Indoor –outdoor : Visual connection :view to the street Physical connection :open and semi open space
Social analysis o Users Tourists local people o Cultural keep the culture and identity of the neighborhood and city o Social interaction In this district urban texture create some open space (plaza) for a group off café and restaurant which is share between them or sometimes they use pedestrian path as plaza and these spaces are appropriate for social connection Connection with south parts: You can see people with different nationality in this neighborhood, people from south and north part have social connection in this part,because it is close to the main gate.
Visual analysis o sky line do not have harmony with the surrounding some part of multi stories building o Façade large window material glass concrete steel panel color use the new style in color shading elements tent structures movement elements o Connection with environment o Same language with modern periphery o discord with culture of the city o Defended boundary o there is definition for boundary – no permeability o different level o more privacy
Physical analysis o Buildings : Some designed for restaurant or cafe function Some design in multifunctional buildings o Buildings –streets : no human scale bigger mass Connecting to pedestrian glassy wall calm semi closed edge safety o Space: Combination different cultures and identity There are more active and create lively space o Building - space: They reflect the modern architecture of the city o Indoor –outdoor : Visual connection : view to the street Physical connection : open and semi open space
Social analysis o Users mostly local people because, they are located near the street and downtown and very accessible for all people o Culture adopted with new culture and new identity in new part of city o social interaction In this district urban texture design open space (plaza) for some café or restaurant and they have defended plaza in front of themselves or rarely they use pedestrian path as plaza or do not have plaza. These spaces are appropriate for social connection
sky line do not have harmony with the surrounding Façade use the new (contemporary) style Same language with modern periphery there is definition for boundary – no permeability Sky line harmony and continuity Façade Keeping the traditional style Same language with this environment there is no definition for boundary –permeability Visual designed for function of restaurant or café no human scale There are more active and create lively space They reflect the modern architecture of the city Visual connection : view to the street Physical connection : open and semi open space Using old buildings and renovating them for new function Human scale There are more active and create lively space They reflect the traditional architecture of the city Visual connection :view to the street Physical connection :open and semi open space Physical Users mostly local people adopted with new culture and new identity in new part of city Social interaction most of them have defended plaza in front of themselves Users Tourists and local people keep the culture and identity of the neighborhood and city Social interaction most of them use pedestrian path as plaza social New development area old city
Ottoman period British period Restaurants and cafes in old city represent the historical background until 19th century Reflect Identity of the city social structure changed westernization process Organic pattern within the Walled city New system of administration Transportation Technology Economy Culture Lifestyle expansion of the city to the outside of walls New urban pattern Restaurants and cafes reflect contemporary style and new identity of the city Cyprus remained the home of several architectural style. Today,Roman, Byzantine, Gothic, Renaissance, Ottoman and British colonial styles are the main architectural styles, which dominate the multi-cultural identity of the island.
To sum up, all things considered, it seems logical to say that in Nicosia old restaurants and cafés have changed forward to new of them in form, scale and connection with environment in old and new development area, due to changing their culture and identity. Archi-cultural translation has important effect in this change. Therefore, it can be seen these places have different parameter for users and different shapes that have harmony with old environment in walled city. However, in new development area most of things have changing so the restaurants and cafes in this part adapt themselves with modern environment and users needs. So,we can see restaurants and café in walled city are totally different than outside of the historical city.
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