U.S. Public Opinion September 2013


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Presentation transcript:

U.S. Public Opinion September 2013 Ann Bisconti, PhD President, Bisconti Research, Inc. ann@bisconti.com BRi

Survey of U.S. Public Opinion September 5-15, 2013 1,000 nationally representative U.S. adults Margin of error +/- 3 percentage points Interviewed by landline and cell phone Bisconti Research with Quest Global Research Some 30-year trends, some new questions BRi 2

Topics Planning for the Future Attitudes Toward Nuclear Energy Spent Nuclear Fuel Rod Management Information and Spokesperson Credibility BRi 3

Planning for the Future BRi 4

How Far Ahead Should America’s Electric Companies/Energy Policymakers be Planning to Ensure Well Balanced Energy Supply in the Future? Electric Energy Companies Policymakers % % One year 4 4 5 years 16 14 10 years 26 22 20 years 23 22 More than 20 years 30 37 Don’t know 1 1 53 59 Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 5

Grade to the United States for Its Energy Planning Think of grades from A to F where A is the top grade and F means failure. What grade—A through F—would you give to the United States for its energy planning? You can give any grade from A to F. “I don’t think we’re looking out in the future long enough. I don’t think we have a plan.” “I don’t think they think ahead and how it will affect the future.” “They are not planning for anything, not even repairs.” Average is C- Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 6

Primary Sources of Electricity in 10 Years % Natural gas 40 Solar energy 33 Nuclear energy 28 Hydroelectric 27 Wind 26 Coal 19 Oil 16 Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 7

Future Importance of Nuclear Energy How important do you think nuclear energy will be in meeting this nation’s electricity needs in the years ahead? (%) In the next decade, do you think that nuclear energy’s importance in meeting America’s electricity needs will…? (%) Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 8

Importance of U.S. Nuclear Industry Leadership in World Markets 75% agree: As countries around the world build new nuclear power plants, it is important for the U.S. nuclear industry to continue to play a leading role in world markets. 46% agree strongly—up from 39% in February 82% of Republicans, 75% of Democrats, and 74% of Independents agree Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 9

Importance of Considerations for Way Electricity is Produced (%) Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 10

Association of Nuclear Energy with Considerations (%) Do you associate nuclear energy a lot, a little, or not at all with…? Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 11

Nuclear Energy in Low-Carbon Mix (%) 85% agree: We should take advantage of all low-carbon energy sources, including nuclear, hydro, and renewable energy, to produce the electricity we need while limiting greenhouse gas emissions. % Agree Men 84 Women 86 South 87 Northeast 84 Midwest 87 West 82 % Agree Republicans 87 Independents 85 Democrats 88 Age: 18-34 88 35 to 49 86 50+ 83 Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 12

Nuclear Energy in Low-Carbon Mix If one of these energy sources had great potential as a climate change solution by producing a large amount of low-carbon electricity reliably around the clock, how much should that source be emphasized in our nation’s energy mix? (%) And if you knew that nuclear energy is a climate change solution because it produces low-carbon electricity reliably around the clock, how much would you say that nuclear energy should be emphasized in our nation’s energy mix…? (%) Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 13

Attitudes Toward Nuclear Energy BRi 14

U.S. Public Now More Favorable to Nuclear Energy Overall, do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose the use of nuclear energy as one of the ways to provide electricity in the United States? Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research BRi 15

Majorities of All Subgroups Favor Nuclear Energy (%) Men 75 Women 64 South 75 Northeast 69 Midwest 68 West 61 Republicans 76 Independents 71 Democrats 64 Age: 18 to 34 70 35 to 49 71 50+ 68 Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 16

Many Women Are Fence-Sitters Overall, do you strongly favor, somewhat favor, somewhat oppose, or strongly oppose the use of nuclear energy as one of the ways to provide electricity in the United States? (%) Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 17

A majority of Americans (69%) favor nuclear energy Perception Gap Do you think the majority of people in your community favor or oppose the use of nuclear energy? (%) A majority of Americans (69%) favor nuclear energy Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 18

Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research Percent Believe Majority of People In Their Community Favor Nuclear Energy Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research BRi 19

Opinions about License Renewal and New Plants Please tell me if you personally strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements. (%) Agree 84 75 61 Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 20

Acceptability of a New Reactor at the Nearest Nuclear Power Plant Site (%) If a new power plant were needed to supply electricity, would it be acceptable to you or not acceptable to you to add a new reactor at the site of the nearest nuclear power plant that is already operating? Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 21

U.S. Public Now Sees Plants as Safer Thinking about the nuclear power plants that are operating now, how safe do you regard these plants? Please think of a scale from "1" to "7," where "1" means very unsafe and "7" means very safe. The safer you think they are, the higher the number you would give. Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research BRi 22

Perceptions about Nuclear Power Plant Safety Please tell me if you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree or strongly disagree with the following statements. (%) Agree 83 77 70 Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 23

Spent Nuclear Fuel Rod Management BRi 24

Opinions on Used Nuclear Fuel Management On the subject of nuclear waste management and specifically the management of the spent nuclear fuel rods from nuclear power plants, do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements? (%) Agree 87 84 60 Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 25

Which Organization Better for Managing a Nuclear Waste Facility? Which type of organization do you believe would do a better job of managing a nuclear waste storage facility? (%) Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 26

Opinions on Used Nuclear Fuel Transportation On the subject of nuclear waste management and specifically the management of the spent nuclear fuel rods from nuclear power plants, do you strongly agree, somewhat agree, somewhat disagree, or strongly disagree with the following statements? (%) Agree 67 78 Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 27

Information and Spokesperson Credibility BRi 28

Topics Heard or Read in Past Year % Safety of nuclear power plants 60 Clean air benefits of nuclear energy 53 The need to build more nuclear power plants in the U.S. 53 American nuclear power plants’ ability to safely withstand earthquakes, floods, tornadoes, hurricanes and other extreme natural events 46 How America’s nuclear power plants are safe 45 Using nuclear energy to grow the economy and create jobs 45 Small nuclear power plant designs as a new technology option 31 A company’s decision to close a nuclear power plant 30 New nuclear power plant construction is underway in the United States 29 Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 29

Percent Rated Excellent or Good as Source of Accurate and Reliable Information on Nuclear Energy Nuclear energy scientists and engineers 74 Safety, radiation, or environmental experts at a nuclear power plant in this area 63 Medical professionals, such as doctors or radiation technicians 58 The U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission 55 The chief nuclear officer at a nuclear power plant in this area 49 Electric utilities 44 The Internet 43 Environmental groups 43 Antinuclear groups 25 Social media, such as Twitter, YouTube or Facebook 22 Bisconti Research, Inc. with Quest Global Research, national public opinion, September 2013 BRi 30

Observations News about new Fukushima leaks at the time of the survey had no discernible impact on attitudes toward nuclear energy, which are broadly favorable—but fence-sitters predominate, nuclear still viewed as unpopular. Vital to strengthen awareness of clean air/climate change role and new plants being built. Communications should link to value public gives to long-range planning for a well-balanced energy supply. U.S. nuclear industry leadership in world markets appeals to all demographics. Support has swung toward independent federal authority to manage waste program, likely due to lack of confidence in federal government.

Language What we should support: License renewal for nuclear power plants as long as they meet federal safety standards. Final disposal facility for spent nuclear fuel rods as long as it meets U.S. Nuclear Regulatory Commission regulations. Nuclear waste transportation as long as secure containment and proper procedures are used. Chief Nuclear Officer title may not communicate expertise; add “leading expert…”