Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System (UREDMS) AASHTO R/W & Utilities Subcommittee Conference San Diego, California April 2010 How do you improve the efficiency of the Utility Relocation process in preparation for roadway and highway structure construction? With UREDMS, the Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
HW-09-23 Survey: GCEDMS/UREDMS But how much do we really know about this technology? A recent AASHTO member survey asked State DOTs have familiar they are with UREDMS. As you can see from the chart, 44.7% of those responding considered themselves somewhat to very knowledgeable while 55.3% were not familiar with the technology. When asked about the level of interest in using UREDMS, 60.5% of those responding indicated no interest in having a system and have no plans to implement a system in the near future. 39.5% of respondents have a system in place, are developing one or have plans to implement a UREDMS system. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
HW-09-23 Survey: GCEDMS/UREDMS At the same time, when asked if you would like to be informed about UREDMS, 91.9% of those responding indicated an interest to learn more about this cutting-edge technology. So here we are today. Let’s take a closer look at the Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System (UREDMS) Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
The Electronic Filing Cabinet Captures, Stores and Indexes Paper Documents Interacts with UR Data and Documents Work Items and Queues Promote Timely Task Completion Project Management Tool EDMS functions as an electronic filing cabinet using computer hardware and software tools that capture, store and index paper documents ranging from application forms and engineering drawings to checks and photos - promoting easier search and retrieval, document transfer, better revision control and saves on storage space. It also eliminates lost and misplaced files. Electronic documents are imported into UREDMS. Paper documents are scanned and imported as electronic images. Then Indexing organizes documents for quick retrieval. UREDMS workflow permits interaction with UR data and documents to perform specific tasks related to utility relocation. Work items move through a series of work ques. When the user completes a step, the system removes the work item from the current queue and creates a work item in the next work queue. For example, when the district completes the step to initiate a cost-sharing utility request, the system creates a work item for central office to process the request. The system displays and permits data from MPMS, ECMS and from the UREDMS database to be used to assist in completion of workflow tasks. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
What is UREDMS? Web-based Project Planning and Construction Facilitator Internal Utility-Related Communications External Communications State DOT Municipalities Utility Companies UREDMS facilitates both internal utility-related communications and external communications between the State DOT, Municipalities and Utility Companies as projects are planned and constructed. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Electronic Document Management System Why UREDMS? Security Communications Document Submissions Access to Stored Documents Web-based Report Generation These communication and document management systems allow secure communications, document submissions, access to stored documents and report generation wherever web access is available. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Preconstruction Benefits Streamlined Processes Expedited Project Delivery Time and Cost Savings Reduced Utility Relocation Planning Delays More Efficient Utility Section Office Operation Reduced Number of Change Orders UREDMS also streamlines utility coordination and utility relocation processes with – Expedited project delivery And, in times of economic challenge, UREDMS saves both time and money as a result of reduced delays in processing and approving utility relocation planning; more efficient utility section office operation; and, a reduction in the number of change orders required for active projects. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Preconstruction Benefits Standardized Agency Processes Faster Review Completion Time Inappropriate Permitting of New Facility Placement on Existing Projects is Reduced Quicker Document Submissions and Revisions Standard processes as a result of implementation of UREDMS result in efficiencies throughout the agency, promoting faster completion for reviews, reduction in inappropriate permitting of new facility placement on existing projects; and, faster document submissions and revisions. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Preconstruction Benefits Facilitated Invoicing and Payments One-Stop Shop for Utility Information Reduced Unplanned Relocations and Encounters with Unknown Utilities The UREDMS system is a one-stop shop for utility information, facilitating invoicing and payments and reducing the number of unplanned relocations and encounters with unknown utilities. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Electronic Document Management System Utilities Benefits 24/7 Access to Templates and Forms Expedited Document Submission and Revision Processes Electronic Signature Approval Reduced Potential for Legal Challenges And, we can’t forget Utility Company benefits: 24/7 access to templates and forms; Faster completion times for reviews and issuing documents and agreements; Time and cost savings that result from online correspondence versus “snail mail” Electronic document storage capability; and, Electronic signature capabilities and access to pre-populated forms. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Electronic Document Management System Future Benefits Improved Inventory/Storage Document Retention Improved Decision-Making with Electronic Document Storage Transparency Improved Tracking Capability Improved Asset Management UREDMS also improves inventory/storage document retention – Mapping, photography and all file types are available through a comprehensive information package. The UREDMS process is transparent and, as a result, improves tracking and asset management capabilities. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Electronic Document Management System Future Benefits Improved Management and Project Applications Reporting Promotes Paperless Processes and “Greener” Agencies Reduced Physical Storage Space Requirements With UREDMS, your agency will experience improved management and project applications reporting. Search and retrieval will be easier, document transfer faster, more efficient revision control and you’ll save storage space. UREDMS also eliminates lost and misplaced files. Greener agencies will appear across the Nation because the “electronic filing cabinet” promotes paperless processes. UREDMS takes an existing business workflow that involves routing, distribution and approval – and automates the whole process, decreasing turnaround time and improving overall efficiency. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Electronic Document Management System The Lead States Team JoAnn Kurts Utility Relocation Engineer Louisiana DOTD 225-379-1427 JoAnn.Kurts@la.gov Chuck Schmidt, P.E. Chief of Design Services New Hampshire DOT 603-271-2297 cschmidt@dot.state.nh.us Jesse Cooper, R.P.L.S. Mapping, Survey and Utility Section Director Texas DOT 512-416-2874 Jcoope2@dat.state.tx.us Eric Felty Acting Section Chief of System Project Development Pennsylvania DOT 717-214-8751 efelty@state.pa.us Larry Ditty Chief Utility Relocation Administrator Pennsylvania DOT 717-214-8762 lditty@state.pa.us Michael Bolden Assistant State Utilities Engineer Georgia DOT 404-631-1379 mbolden@dot.state.ga.us Mollie Zauner Assistant Utilities Engineer Minnesota DOT 651-366-4704 Mollie.Zauner@state.mn.us Nick Lefke Utility Coordinator Michigan DOT 517-335-2208 lefken@michigan.gov Our Lead States Team has an array of success stories to share. Let’s begin with my Agency’s experience with UREDMS … Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Electronic Document Management System PENNDOT ELECTRONIC DOCUMENT MANAGEMENT SYSTEM (EDMS) EDMS Functions as a Virtual Filing Cabinet UREDMS is part of EDMS used for Utility Relocations UREDMS Internal is Intranet Based UREDMS External is Internet Based PennDOT EDMS functions as a virtual filing cabinet. The electronic storage and indexing of documents promotes easier search, faster retrieval, better revision control, and reclamation of valuable office space. UREDMS is, quite simply, a part of EDMS used for Utility Relocations. UREDMS Internal is intranet-based . UREDMS External is Internet based. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
PENNDOT’S INTERNAL UREDMS WORK MANAGER SCREEN Our Work Manager screen allows us to use data from MPMS, ECMS and from the UREDMS database to assist in completion of the workflow tasks.
PENNDOT’S UREDMS EXTERNAL (WEB BASED) HOMEPAGE At PennDOT, you must be a registered partner to access the UREDMS system to meet your business needs. That includes maintaining user IDs for both employees and any consultants that assist the organization on utility projects. Two user groups are available to Utility Business Partners within UREDMS: External Utility Administrator – Users assigned to this security group have the ability to update information for all of the organization’s PennDOT utility projects. These users also have the ability to reassign projects to other users. At least one person in the organization must be assigned to this group. External Utility User – Those assigned to this security group have the ability to view information for all of the organization’s PennDOT utility projects. These users will only be able to update those projects that have been assigned to them by an administrator.
EXTERNAL UREDMS CURRENT PROJECT WORK SCREEN Workflow occurs when work items move through a series of work queues. When the user completes a step, the system removes the work item from the current queue and creates a work item in the next work queue. For example, when the district completes the step to initiate a cost-sharing request for a utility, the system creates a work item for central office to process the request.
UREDMS E-TRAINING ftp://ftp.dot.state.pa.us/transfer/UREDMS/eTraining/ On the UREDMS home page, business partners have access to training materials that include a course introduction, training manual and downloadable E-training. The Department’s letting schedule, a contact list of Department utility relocation personnel, a link to ECMS registration, a UREDMS help screen and the PennDOT homepage can also be accessed from this page.
Simple On-Screen Tutorial So let’s take a closer look at the system Workflow occurs when work items move through a series of work queues. When the user completes a step, the system removes the work item from the current queue and creates a work item in the next work queue. For example, when the district completes the step to initiate a cost-sharing request for a utility, the system creates a work item for central office to process the request. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Combines Existing Data Down the left side of this screen, you’ll see all data bases that are required as part of the pre-permit search process – everything at your fingertips. And UREDMS checks itself – if a line already exists, you’ll know … and the system will not permit another line. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Promotes Uploads and Standardization Again, you’ll notice that everything is contained in one place, on one screen. This time, all special provision documents can be accessed with the click of a mouse. And all districts use the same data, in the same way – eliminating concerns for one or more districts to “go rogue.” Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Easier Search and Information Retrieval This screen provides the opportunity to perform multiple searches – from permit number and county to PI number and permit type. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Summary of all utilities located in the DOTD right-of-way on the selected project
Invoice information for payment voucher to reimburse DOTD liability in utility relocation
Status of key dates for the selected utility operator
Electronic Document Management System Success To-Date Systematic Process Standardizes Utility Permitting and Coordination Senior Management Confidence through On-Time Projects DOT Transportation Programs Stabilized Reliable Information Provided to DOT and Utilities How far have we come? We know, from experience that – UREDMS standardizes utility permitting and coordination; On-time projects instill confidence Transportation programs are stabilized UREDMS provides reliable information to the Agency and its utility partners Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Electronic Document Management System Success To-Date Integrated Cost Process Planning Engineering Right-of-Way Utility Offices Advanced Cost Estimation And, an integrated cost process leads to more accurate, advanced cost estimation. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Electronic Document Management System Success To-Date Program Standardization DOTs Local Governments Consultants Utilities Early and frequent coordination, cooperation and communication among State DOTs and utility personnel result in more timely and efficient utility relocation activities. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Looking Forward Coordination – Cooperation – Communication Timely, Efficient Relocation Platform for Success Good Project Reasonable Cost Timely Completion UREDMS provides a platform to enhance the “three C’s” process among all stakeholders to ensure that a project is successful, is completed in a timely manner, and at reasonable cost. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Questions and Comments? Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System (UREDMS) Let’s open the floor for questions and comments … Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System
Electronic Document Management System The Lead States Team JoAnn Kurts Utility Relocation Engineer Louisiana DOTD 225-379-1427 JoAnn.Kurts@la.gov Chuck Schmidt, P.E. Chief of Design Services New Hampshire DOT 603-271-2297 cschmidt@dot.state.nh.us Jesse Cooper, R.P.L.S. Mapping, Survey and Utility Section Director Texas DOT 512-416-2874 Jcoope2@dat.state.tx.us Eric Felty Acting Section Chief of System Project Development Pennsylvania DOT 717-214-8751 efelty@state.pa.us Larry Ditty Chief Utility Relocation Administrator Pennsylvania DOT 717-214-8762 lditty@state.pa.us Michael Bolden Assistant State Utilities Engineer Georgia DOT 404-631-1379 mbolden@dot.state.ga.us Mollie Zauner Assistant Utilities Engineer Minnesota DOT 651-366-4704 Mollie.Zauner@state.mn.us Nick Lefke Utility Coordinator Michigan DOT 517-335-2208 lefken@michigan.gov The UREDMS Lead States Team is available to provide guidance and answer any of your questions at any time. Feel free to give any of us a call. Thank you for your time. We look forward to working with you as you implement UREDMS. Utility Relocation Electronic Document Management System