Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at north south university


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Presentation transcript:

Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at north south university 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Institutional Quality Assurance Cell (IQAC) at north south university Quality Assurance Committee (QAC) Meeting October 6, 2016 Presentation on “Status of IQAC since January 2016”

Vision and Mission of IQAC 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Vision and Mission of IQAC VISION Assist in assuring and enhancing quality of higher education at North South University. MISSION Establish a transparent, impartial and sustainable mechanism for quality assurance and enhancement in accordance with the national and international accreditation guidelines. Prepare the university to meet the national and international accreditation requirements. Establish and nurture an environment congenial to quality learning and teaching. Introduce effective evaluation systems and programs to enhance competency of academic and non-academic staff. Promote inclusiveness and accountability among academicians, administrators, and students.

Terms of Reference of the QAC 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Terms of Reference of the QAC

Functional Relationship of IQAC with QAC and QAU 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Functional Relationship of IQAC with QAC and QAU

Relational Structure of IQAC, QAC, QAU and Syndicate 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Relational Structure of IQAC, QAC, QAU and Syndicate

Proposed Milestones of IQAC 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Proposed Milestones of IQAC Establishment of IQAC at North South University Incorporate quality assurance strategies in University Strategic Plan Formation of Self-assessment committee (SAC) at department level Establishment of evaluation framework. Establishment of Learning-Teaching Center (LTC)

20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Project Funding

Timeline for IQAC and SAC 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Timeline for IQAC and SAC Unit  Departments Time period IQAC   Jan’16-Dec’18 6 Self Assessment Committees (SAC)  1.ECE 2. Biology and Chemistry 3. Pharmacy 4. Accounting 5. Management 6. Political Science and Sociology July’16-Jun’17 7. Architecture 8. English 9. Dept. of Env. Science and Management 10. Masters in Public Health 11. Marketing and Intl Business 12. Economics Jan’17-Dec’17

IQAC Accomplishments since January’16 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. IQAC Accomplishments since January’16 Recruitment of 4 officers ( Office manager, Accountant, IT officer and OSS) Establishment of IQAC office at ADMN 625 Created awareness of IQAC initiatives by visiting all departments by the IQAC team Formation of 12 Self Assessment Committee (SAC) involving 3 members in each committee---total 36 members

IQAC Accomplishments since January’16 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. IQAC Accomplishments since January’16 Training on of IQAC Directors—3 trainings in Thailand, Malaysia and India Introduction of Self Assessment process to SAC members and sharing of experience of foreign trainings Inception Workshop – this formally begins the IQAC activities Providing continuous assistance to Self Assessment Committees—distribution of self assessment manual, survey questionnaires. Recently six (6) departments submitted their work plan and timeline

IQAC Accomplishments since January’16 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. IQAC Accomplishments since January’16 Met Director of IT, Director of Admission – to work on institutional quality , will continue to meet other unit heads. Submitted Project Management Report to HEQEP Submitted Financial Management Report for January and April Terms to HEQEP. Self Assessment training for SAC members Developed and published IQAC website Developed SAC webpage for all 12 departments

HIGHER EDUCATION QUALITY ENHANCEMENT PROJECT North South University 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Financial Report HIGHER EDUCATION QUALITY ENHANCEMENT PROJECT North South University Statement of Sources & Uses of Funds S ources of Fund Uses of Fund Sl No Particulars Amount   Fund Received from UGC 17346800 1 Pay of Officer 57,012 (One crore seventy three lac forty six thousand eight hundred 2 Pay of Staff 13,464 3 Training Overseas (IQAC Directors) 1,172,502 4 Conference/Seminer/Workshop 211,411 5 Honorarium of Directors 343,432 6 Stationary 40000 Total 1,837,821 Balance 15,508,979

Self Assessment Criteria 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Self Assessment Criteria

20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Upcoming activities All Faculty training on ‘Effective Teaching Methodology’ in October and December Publish IQAC newsletter Develop the IQAC library All 12 Self Assessment committee will continue working on assessment (via questionnaire, interview, observation etc) 6 departments each will arrange one team building workshop and one result sharing workshop. Ongoing Department visits by IQAC for overseeing SAC activities Recruitment of a full time Office Manager Meeting with different unit heads: HR, library, Registrar, Student Affairs, CPC and initiate documentation based on the self assessment criteria

Areas where your support is needed 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Areas where your support is needed Need for directives from the Deans (on the request of IQAC) to speed up works of SACs A list of documents from different sections of the university is needed to be submitted to UGC as part of the Self Assessment Report. Some of this information is at institutional level and some at department level. The SACs are responsible for collecting information at department level whereas IQAC will collect information at Institutional level.

Areas where your support is needed 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Areas where your support is needed The institution level documents are: 1. Organizational structure and organizational units with defined responsibilities in compliance with legal framework under which the university is established – documented from top to departmental level 2. Code of Conduct for staff and student – well defined and well communicated 3. Student handbook containing mission, objectives, graduate profile, academic calendar, regulations, and program related information in details 4. Properly documented entry requirements (well defined, measurable, communicable, match with the nature of the discipline) 5. Properly documented salary and incentive structure (reasonable to attract and retain the talented and experienced staff) 6. Properly documented promotion policy (Appointment and promotion according to well defined key performance indicators KPI)

Areas where your support is needed 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Areas where your support is needed Physical facilities (appropriate, adequate, comfortable, safe, aesthetically pleasing, well managed) Properly documented recruitment policy (that is transparent, fair, appropriate, specifying entry qualifications and outlining the key stages) Formal peer observation system Internal quality assurance system with set policies and procedures, self assessment following a cycle, continuous and systematic review Possible consideration of one course release for SAC members during third term (when the data analysis and report writing will be done)

Expected outcome at the end of 2018 20/04/2019 Dr. Nazmun Nahar, P.Eng. Expected outcome at the end of 2018 Institutionalization of quality assurance culture Better teaching-learning environment Establishment of Learning –Teaching Center in process All programs have stated vision, mission and learning outcomes All departments have standard curriculum that inlcudes vision, mission, learning outcomes, rationale, course outlines and course learning outcomes All 12 departments are in the process of implementing the improvement plan developed based on the self assessment report