1.12 The Hasmonean Era (166 - 63 B.C.) As a result of the Maccabean Revolts, Jewish people won complete independence from the Seleucid kingdom. Judas Maccabeus (a.k.a. “The Hammer”) became the high priest and commander of the Jews. Over time, Simon, Judas’ brother, established the Hasmonean royal family (named after Hasmon, a great grandfather).
Simon’s son, John Hyrcanus ruled from 135 – 104 BC He managed to stay in power because he hired a mercenary army although the Jewish group known as the Pharisees came to dislike him
The real trouble began when John’s sons Aristobulus and Alexander came to power Alexander was a brutal ruler, was ruthless, and was said to have had hundreds of captives crucified in the center of the city to entertain himself and his mistresses John Hyrcanus
Under Alexander’s rule, the Pharisees (a strong and very devout Jewish group) came to hate him They believed he was completely immoral and unfit to be their leader For example, during one episode, 6,000 Jews were murdered simply because the ridiculed him when he was officiating as the high priest
When Alexander died in 76 BC., his widow, Alexandra, became queen She was generally well liked but the Pharisees were now the dominant power in the country After her death, a civil war broke out between her two sons (both wanting power)
The sons, Hyrcanus II and Aristobulus II went at it Aristobulus stayed on top until Roman general Pompey marched into the country in 63 BC and announced the Romans were here to stay Hasmonean/Jewish rule was essentially over…what would the Romans be like?