Paradoxes of the Cross.


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Presentation transcript:

Paradoxes of the Cross

Curse Blessing Gal. 3:10-14 SIN AND DEATH, 3:13 Defilement of sin (Deut 21:22-23) Curse, Rom 6:23 In our place, 2 Cor 5:21; Isa 53:6, 8 FORGIVENESS AND LIFE, 3:14 Heirs of promise, Acts 2:38-40 In Christ through faith, Gal 3:26-29; Rom 1:16-17

Humiliation Exaltation Phil. 2:5-11 HUMILIATION Isa 53:3-6, 10-12 Became a man Disgrace, shame, torture and death on the cross EXALTATION Isa 53:10-12; Jno 17:5; Heb 2:5-9 Crowned with glory and honor after sorrow and suffering

Injustice Mercy Lk. 23:22-25, 34, 43 NO CRIME, Acts 8:33; Jno 18:29-38; 19:4, 6 Jesus was without crime He died for ours MERCY TOWARD ENEMIES Reconciled us to God, Rom 5:10-11; Col 1:19-23

Hate Love Jno. 15:13, 22-25 HATED WITHOUT A CAUSE Despised and rejected message and works Envy, Matt 27:18 LOVE OF GOD, Romans 5:6-8 Cross defines love, 1 John 3:16 Saves from wrath, Romans 5:9

Sin Righteousness Lk. 23:39-41, 47 PUNISHMENT OF SIN IGNORED BY MEN AT THE CROSS, Matt 27:24-25 JUSTIFICATION IS OBTAINED BECAUSE GOD DID NOT IGNORE US, Acts 2:23; Rom 3:24-26; 5:9


DEFEAT VICTORY Lk. 24:19-24 APPARENT DEFEAT IN DEATH Matt 26:56; 27:50 REAL VICTORY OVER SIN AND DEATH Heb 2:14-15 (Acts 2:24); 1 Cor 15:56-57; Rom 8:31-35

Every attempt to oppose and reject Jesus turned out to be the very thing God used to accomplish our redemption (Acts 2:23) Wisdom and love! The cross is our reason to be humble in faith and obey Jesus to be saved! Matthew 11:28