Hot summary of the Fourth GSICS Users Workshop 16 April 2019 Hot summary of the Fourth GSICS Users Workshop Fred Wu, Sebastien Wagner, Jerome Lafeuille Sopot, Poland, 4 September 2012 1
GSICS overview Global Space-based Inter-Calibration System Develops common methodologies, procedures and tools in accordance with best practices and standards Provides services to satellite users Capacity building through collaboration among satellite operators 14 agencies (+WMO) and observers and partners Structure: GSICS Executive Panel GSICS Coordination Centre (GCC) GRWG GDWG See
GSICS Products GSICS Bias Monitoring GSICS Correction Routine comparisons of satellite radiances against reference Visualised as time series plots of calibration bias with respect to reference New web-based bias plotting tool – GSICS Correction Function to correct issued radiances For consistent calibration with reference For Near-Real-Time and Re-Analysis applications of operational L1 data For Archive Re-Calibration of reprocessed datasets to generate FCDRs GSICS Reports & Guidelines Recommendations to modify practices Design and Operation of future satellite instruments Special Issue of IEEE transactions
Data management and access Collaboration Servers to access GSICS Products (Demo provided) Products Plotting Tool (Demo provided) Users Messaging Service Products Catalogue on (Demo provided) Future Developments (with questions about needs and specs) Automating Products Distribution Archiving of the GSICS Products. Instrument History Presentation response to users’ requests and enquiries across different international agencies. Instrument event log (being specified)
Main achievements Several GEO/LEO IR products close to be declared pre-operational (following GPPA) Products are standardized products and common tools available to users Data/Products provided on line with access tools Documentations provided to understand the products and their applications Interaction established between GSICS and other programs such as GRUAN, GPM, SCOPE-CM.
Users Request (1) Need for correction for solar bands The question of whether to supply calibration correction, or recalibrated archives will be addressed on a case-by-case basis. Access to intermediate data: will be considered as potential future product, to be analyzed with beta users. Need to validate the uncertainty estimation methodology with climate community. Need for common reference channel: we will consider recommending methodology for user to use such common reference channels.
Requests (2) Need to move the products to “operational” stage AVHRR IR channel cross-calibration Increased interaction with user community (incl. climate) Continue on-going development of products and services Instruments : IASI-B, CrIS,.. Instrument event log (coordinated specifications) Online tools
Discussion on the future Vision (1) Scope: shall GSICS address other measurements (e.g. active, GPS RO)? Support access to pre-launch calibration data Should precise the type of information needed Shall GSICS provide a variety of calibration information in addition to one official « GSICS » calibration ? Hosting 3rd party calibration information if compliant with certain « maturity » requirements (e.g. proper documented)
Discussion on the future Vision (2) Increased effort on uncertainty evaluation and documentation Further promote concept of on-orbit absolute reference payload (CLARREO, TRUTHS,…) Implement the calibration correction in the L1.5 data header when possible Ensure future data formats allow inclusion of alternative calibration coefficients